Chapter 7: Must

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It took a while to actually fall asleep.

The noises all around me were pounding in my brain, never really ending but slowly the noise started to blend into the background, who knew that living next to probably rebellious kids who like to blast their music would be so loud? (Yes I'm getting better at sarcasm!)

When I finally fell asleep I knew after seeing the gleaming gold bars and walls, the plush pillows on the blinding white bed, this wasn't going to be good, this was the cell that I, Lester, and Luguselwa had been stuck in when Nero captured us when we tried to be captured but we were still shocked which is weird now that I think about it. But this time I didn't have Mrs.Forks (now metal hands from Leo) and Mr.Bad at driving, I was alone.

Without warning he appeared through the bars, that manipulative, twisted, evil, manic, insane, wicked, deceitful, horrible, sick little monster, Nero. His body was pulled taunt against his a size too small purple tuxedo he always wears that doesn't go well with his yellow-ish skin that seemed to have grown even more yellow since the last time he was this close to me, (yes I know I sound like a stereotypical Aphrodite kid.) a little bit too close for my liking. He was smiling his evil sinister smile that I want to just punch in the face and he started to walk even closer to me.

I saw what was in his left hand that was still a bit banged up from getting beaten up by his "kids" (who I congratulated afterwards for the awesome left hooks and kicks in the no touching place) my sword as it was already pulled of the bracelet I just realized wasn't on my wrist anymore. At first I thought he mistook me for a self, then I saw his growing smirk, I knew he knew I was there and purposely gave it to me.

So I did the most 'Percy-like' thing, I ran towards him trying to topple him over with all the force I had. But when I was a centimeter away he dissolved and reappeared behind me, then he pushed me. I had braced for a soft landing since I knew this was a dream, but when I landed face first onto the cold, hard, annoyingly clean, bright floor, it hurt the blazing hot pain started to spread, to the foot, ankle, then onto my calves, scorching my thighs, tickling my vertebrae, up my neck and pounding my head.

"How?" I gasped, too exhausted to speak anything else.

Nero laughed, his voice loud as it is cruel, carrying all around the voluminous room. "You really thought this was a normal dream,"He laughed liked a hyena and so hard it took him a minute to start talking again,"Got help from a friend to have Hypnos let's say persuaded to give me control on all dreams, to twist them or,"He swished right hand,"make them real."

"So you decided to make mine real, to get back at me."

Clap, clap, clap. He mockingly slow clapped at me as he went down to the floor using his nails to lift up my face to him. "I thought you might want some training since that's all you demigods do, train or die." His face turned red like a tomato and his smug smile faltered for a a little bit before going right back into the same place when I declined his offer in a monotone voice to show that I wasn't scared. "No?" His smirk grew even higher, "Fine."

Then everything went black, complete darkness waiting to strike me again it's the harsh truth again and again.

Then something felt off, wrong, unsettling. Without any explanation, I hear his voice booming all around me, making my head hurt even more. "You really thought that I, a former emperor, and someone who's been watching you very closely, would let you go, especially so soon. I mean we haven't even begun." He took an pause that made my eyes roll, "I didn't want you to leave till you met my 'friend' who was so kind to let me out of Tartarus that your uncle thought was where I should belong." His voice grew even more angrier,"I am a hero!" BANG! His fist pounded on something that vibrated throughout the whole room. The little scratches being played showed he was brushing his hair back with his hands,"Well anyways, here's she now, Huntress!" I'll leave you two to be."

I could practically hear his smug smirk on his disgusting face,(I know I keep describing his smirk a lot but a lot of stuff happened because of his smirk.) gods I wish I could just push his stupid horrible face! Then I saw her, she had straight black hair with very pale skin, but the thing that made my heart skip a beat and my eyes to widen was her eyes, they were the eyes of someone who watched people die, someone who laughed at pain, who hurtled people for fun, they were the eyes of a murderer, even if their were dabbles of pain, she still had the murderer eyes and I don't trust people with those eyes.

At first I thought she was a monster from a myth (some monsters are human *cough* Gabe *cough) who wanted to kill me, then I saw that she had a mark just like mine, exactly like mine. Her's was more promptly shown because she was wearing black pants with a white v neckline blouse. I tried to make a break for it but my feet wouldn't budge, I looked down and saw that my feet were where you might ask, incased in pale blue ice.

"Let! Tug, Me! Tug, Go!" I yelled in between yanks to pull my foot out of the clear ice, but I grew more and more tired after each and every one.

"Not going to happen peacock feather," The huntress said you know with a mark that powerful and important my hunters who are boys and girls would have killed you already before you even turned eight but I wanted to meet you, you're 11 years old right happy very late birthday by the way," The Hunter laughed so loudly it sounded like a murder of crows. " I wanna tell you what was gonna happen. Nero gonna put chip on you that will show us your thoughts, while we can send you some, let's just say not comfortable stuff when we see you," she said with a smile that was almost worse than Nero's smug little manipulative smile (almost.)

The new came back with a tray and some stuff then, without warning and anesthesia Mask was put on my face, trust me, I've helped so many times in the infirmary that I know what it looks like and what fruit roll ups look like when you are using them to bandage someone up.

When I woke up in my dream, never I would have to say that sentence, I saw that on my arm and my S. P. Q. R. Tattoo with one line to show one year of service with a trident and a peacock feather to show my grandma and my dad, I'm a part of the fifth cohort. Well, anyways, under my tattoo was a scar where they must've put the chip in.

Then they finally left me alone literally, they didn't come back into my dream, and I fell into a pitch black scene, no weird unicorns or peacock feather there.

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Bye! Don't get eaten by monsters!!!

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