Chapter 10: the

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After a couple minutes I was about to close my eyes when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

When I looked up I saw that it was Pentuna who gave me a smile. When I gave her a smile she turned away but I thought I saw her cheeks turn red, the reason? I had no clue.

"Mrs. Snow," Pentuna said still looking away, "Do you have any good book recommendations on your subject? I was interested last year bur I forgot to ask you."

"Oh sure Marshmallow," Mrs.Snow told her before going into a whole too long for me to remember list. Afterwards Pentuna left to work with her partner, his name was Travis by the way.

After Pentuna had left, Mrs.Snow asked me some more questions like "What's your favorite desert to eat on a winter day? (My birth mother's amazing cakes and my brother from another mother's blue cookies of course, though I didn't tell her about the whole cookie thing since that's just our secret you, me, and all of the two camps have and then the two dead people and one time the possessed kids have.) or other things like that.

I could tell she was uncomfortable since she has probably seen the anxiousness I was feeling for a reason I don't know of. She was being like everyone else's which isn't a bad thing per-say but it isn't that fun to have adults be awkward around you, especially when your only friends are adults.

Funny right? Yah I really need to stop making bad but sad jokes, I also need to stop acting like this character one of my students- I mean mates- peers! Nevermind that, I need to stop acting like this guy named Gus or was it Hunter? Anyways yah sorry for the rambling, connection thing.

"How many friends do you have?" Mrs. Snow asked.

"Uh...." Hey I was hesitant and I bet you would be too. I was hesitant because well... being in a war, near death situations, attacked by ravens, by owls, bitten by a scared cardinal you can weirdly talk to, yah friends is hard to define when your amount of friends depends on life threatening situations but it's fiiiinnne. 

"Well?" She said as she tapped her foot with impatience.

"I've never really kept count, I have friends at a two camps I go to and at programs I use to help out at." Yep you heard me right TWO camps, I also go to a nome, and sometimes I help out with this falafel place so then I can talk to my flamingo and mango.

"Good I'm glad you've had friends because here you will make a lot of ones." (And a lot of foes dear reader.) "Uh.. how is your family? If you have one of course."

"My family is good, I have good relationships with most of my family which is very large." I made sure to have my words make her think I have a good relationship with my spoiled, rotten, greedy, annoying, father that I want to fall down the deepest hole.

"Are you okay? I didn't want to say it right afterwards but why were you annoyed?" Her voice was all sweet which is nice but she was definitely nervous which is understandable. A kid had been silently freaking out in her class in a way that made it seem like the kid was angry.

"I'm good, it's a.. lot to process with how.. uh different it is than most schools I've been to but my roommate has been very welcoming and positive. And I wasn't annoyed I got scared but I don't know why I did." I rubbed the scar I got from last night's dream and I waited for what her response was going to be. The scar still hurt but the pain was getting numb now.

She nodded at my answer and stood up to tell the class something. "Now the asking questions part is down for now, please ask more if you get the time, Now I want you to tell the answers back to your partner to make sure you got their answers correct but do not share the answers without their permission for some people aren't comfortable with many people knowing something."

After she repeated my answers back to me I went to find a seat. I picked the only open seat which was a seat in the back where people wouldn't be staring at my neck all class but in view of the teacher so I can still answer questions and see the board. It's a perfect spot for me, it's the spot for a kid who doesn't want to be watched a ton which I hate happening to me, but someone who likes to be called on at times. For someone who isn't an attention seeker but not a trouble maker either.

I stared at the board trying to process what we were to do because last night was not refreshing. Then I saw the doodled on white sneakers, a form fitting white skirt with embroidered sunflowers, the warm skin poking out of the oversized Save The Trees t-shirt, the many scrunchies, the brown eyes I could spend forever looking into, I was sitting by Pentuna. I was sitting next to Pentuna. (Wait a couple seconds I got to stomp my feet inside my head.)

I furrowed my brows in confusion because why wouldn't she go sit with her other friends, the ones at the front of the class either giggling at a joke or her question partner but that's fair, the guy was making a fire ball and burning the blonde with long hair, luckily Jarvis has water powers. She sat with me, the local social idiot, why?

"Why?" I asked.

"Why I wanted to sit by you? Because you are a cool person. Adorable and oblivious but still cool friend. I also just didn't want you to not get lonely. Also there might be rugs that are soft but chairs are better in my opinion."

She passed me my pencil pouch because Mrs.Snow had forgotten to give me my mine. Mine was grey and silver with a checker pattern but on the end was a black half of a heart. Pentuna's one was yellow and green in a funky checker pattern and also had a half of heart that weirdly matched up perfectly with mine. They definitely go with our personalities, her the cute, funky and sweet person then me the bland, boring and cold person.

"The person next to you on your right is gonna be your partner for the whole year unless something happens." Mrs.Snow said.

I groaned and rubbed my scar again as it started to get irritated by my rubbing while Pentuna was one step away from jumping out of her seat and bursting into song.

"Looks like we get to hang out for the entire year!" Pentuna practically squealed. She then gave me a handshake, her grip was tough like a child of Demeter or Ares or just Butch. It was very surprising due to her being the sweetest person ever that's not a myth kid, she was practically honey.

"Looks like it." I faked a smile which was easy.

She then gave me a huge hug without asking but the hug was nice and warm. She was very warm and soft, so much that I had to physically make myself not melt in her hug. Then I accidentally smelled her hair which was like a warm summer day at Camp Half Blood. Then I suddenly pulled away, I just smelled her, I smelled her.

This is gonna be a long year, I thought.

Thanks for reading now for the question, challenge, art, and video.

Question: Do you think they will be partners for long?

Challenge: go to one of the paragraphs and argue against something on it.


This is the gods toying with Shirley

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This is the gods toying with Shirley. Yah!!! (Note the sarcasm)


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