Chapter 9: to

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"Explain," Pentuna said as she grabbed her too-big-for-her-hair scrunchie that went well with her outfit that put a spotlight on her radiance.

I straightened my shoulders and tried to changed the topic but obviously it doesn't work because I'm a nervous wreck around her since -(Fine I'll give the recorder back Ducky) She stays firmly in the same spot.

"I-I uh- It's nothing I couldn't handle, I mean it's kinda my life nowadays. Ignore that last part." I was stumbling over my words because I hadn't really planed this. *snickers around her that aren't apart of the story* "J-Just something small, so small, it's minuscule really, like a speck. It doesn't matter, it's not important." I was trying to think of other words when she hugged me again, what is up with her and hugging? It did feel nice but that wasn't the point.

After she let go I didn't- no couldn't look into her eyes. I don't know if I could even handle what I would see in her brownie eyes. If I could barely look into my mom's eyes when I accidentally reveal that I wasn't okay after the war which I should be fine about and I can't look into a young kid after learning that their parent don't love them and will use them time and time again even when they are dead if I'm explaining it to a teen at Valhalla, then I definitely can't look into her warn hot chocolate eyes that grew even stronger with her brave courage to help me, or even be by me if I had to be honest.

"You know there is a difference between handling something and "handling" something." Pentuna strudel, nope, Pentuna solace, said and paused for a second to mess with her assortment of scrunchies that are on her wrist in rainbow order. "And I can tell you're not handling it, you're just suppressing or bottling or ignoring or whatever else my dad calls it when he's telling me about his therapist stuff. You don't have to tell me now because you look like you're gonna overheat."

Then she grabbed my hand and led me out of our very clean room, though I should say she practically dragged me at first with how fast she was at running.

As we walked (read as ran) through the halls I asked, "Where are we going?" I took a second to catch my breath, "Also, don't we need supplies?"

"Okay first take another breath then I'll explain," she said with a chuckle before explaining that we'll get our supplies at the class and that the teacher will tell them what class they have because the classes constantly change for them all the kids don't get bored. "First, we have Physiology." Weird school. I nodded my head to show I understood. (Yes Bianca I know I have a bobble head, but least I don't keep pushing Bob and Zöe to my friends because I think they'd be cute together.)

After a lot more explaining about the school schedule, her stomach let out a huge GRRRROOOWWLLLL!!! She looked at her sun printed watch on her other wrist that wasn't filled with scrunchies and gasp. "I just remembered we forgot to grab breakfast, by now if we tried to go back we'd be too late to get some food and late to our class." She locked eyes with me before asking, "I think I might have something in my bag but do you have any with you little miss prepared?"

I look at her for a moment because of the strange nickname, does she always do that? (Do know now and don't care what others think about it, I'm her ducky and I'm fine with it.) I looked into my jean's pockets, the sleeves of the sweater she gave me to wear, my shoes, socks, even my hair but I had forgotten to bring a snack which I usually have but that's just how this school has been going so far. Like yesterday I had to wake up at 5 am to get to the school. "Nope, nothing on me."

At my reveal-ish thing, (So what I don't know what to call it Ethan, stop being rude you're 5 years old, you don't even know how to spell reveal) Pentuna searched through her really colorful bag to look for something. After a few minutes she pulled out two bags of granola and handed one to me.

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