Chapter 11

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That was not a normal day for our protagonists, in fact it was a really special day, mainly for Katsumi, she had been excited about this for a whole month, and it wasn't the UA entrance exam, that was in ten months, the event was something in which she was one of the ideators and it was all thanks to her competitiveness.

Her dojo, or whatever the hell Bob called it, was going to do a friendly match against another one for the first time ever.

She was the one who insisted the most, her reasoning was something Bob heard more than a thousand times, if he hadn't given in to Katsumi's request he would've ended up mad and bald and trust him, going bald after having your hair so long they reach your butt for most of your life wouldn't be a good feeling, heck he could almost imagine his scalp freezing, in the end that much discomfort over a "If I'm going to become the number one hero I need to know how strong I am even without my quirk." wasn't worth it.

The match wouldn't start for another two hours but Katsumi was already at the dojo, she and Bob were there to welcome the opponents, she had a scary smile plastered on her face, anybody could see it wasn't only fake, it was even an inhumane effort for her to maintain it, she was still cursing at Bob in her head for using his fingers to push her lips upwards, creating that smile on her face, "Bob can I stop looking like a pedo? I'm starting to have a facial paralysis." "Shut up Katsumi, you can endure the most extenuating training sessions I have ever seen someone impose on themselves and you can't handle to smile for a little bit of time."

"Yoooo Daikiiiii."Bob shouted to a white haired man.

"For fuck's sake Bob you could've told me..."

"Shut up Katsumi, smile, don't worry and?"

"Be fucking happy."

"Bob, old friend how are you?"

"I'm fine and you? Have you finally retired from being Wild Tiger?"

"Wait dad he knows?" a red, no it was more orange, haired girl asked "Why do I even bother, I know someone with green hair."

"Itsuka remember when I told you about the Dancing Demon? Well you have him beside you."

"C'mon Daiki you make me blush, hehehe. And I think this girl over here has taken the demon part very seriously."

"What the fuck old man? I was thinking you were cool for your Battling Demon.." "Dancing Demon." " Dancing fucking Demon nickname but now I just have one thought, FUCK YOU."

"Katsumi, we talked about this."

"Be happy, I know, don't I look fucking happy?" she turned to the Kendos

"Do I look unhappy to you? Huh?" the Kendos just shook their head, of course she was so fucking happy using her words.

"Enough of this, Daiki I will show you inside, Katsumi you do the same with Itsuka."

The orange haired girl smiled at her.

"Angh, that beautiful natural fucking smile, should I learn too? I'm not the nerd, I don't need to make those fucking extras smile when I become a hero."

At that moment Izuku wasn't far, he was walking under a bridge and he was going to assist to Katsumi's first official match, he wanted to get to the dojo early so he could change from his mime outfit.

As he walked under the bridge he heard a sound coming from the sewers, so he positioned himself over the manhole miming holding a hammer over his head and he thought "Let's play wack'a'mole".

Suddenly the manhole shot in the air and a creature made of slime jumped out of the sewer, only to be whacked on the head? by Izuku. "What the actual fuck? I escape and the first thing I get is a mime hitting me with an invisible hammer? I was going to be nice with you kid, but I changed my mind, prepare yourself for fucking lot of suffering."

Izuku looked scared, he was trembling and as the sludge shot a few tendrils forward he hurried away from them, until they got stopped by an invisible wall, he looked at the tendrils pushing against literally nothing confused, then he gave an amazed look to what was happening, his lips forming an 0, then he brought his right finger under his right eye, pulled his skin down a bit and he stuck his tongue out, he did a perfect "JOKE'S ON YOU!" face.

Then he moved his hands perpendicular to the wall "This kid is stupid, I'm going to catch him from his hands." but the tendrils got stopped by two invisible walls, Izuku then moved his hands above the sludge and behind it, it was then the slime realized he....HAD BEEN BOXED.

"You fucking mime, you should be the one inside a fucking box, wait what are you doing.."

Izuku took a bottle from his backpack and smiled sadistically at the sludge.

"No, no, no, let me go. Fuck youuuu" the sludge's voice faded into the plastic of the bottle.

As Izuku put the bottle on the ground he heard another noise coming from the sewer, he positioned himself once again, invisible hammer in hand and what got out from the sewer was too fast for him to whack, it was frickin' All Might.

"Don't worry my boy, because I am HERE."

"All Might if you're searching for a sludge I have him in this bottle."

"Thank you a lot young...mime?" "Is he the boy Tsukauchi talked about? Was he her son? Midoriya...."

"All Might are you okay? You're drooling."

"No no, everything's fine I'm just sweating, it's pretty hot in the sewers."

"If you say so... anyway, can I get an autograph for me and my friend? And can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, just hand me what you want me to sign and ask your question, I can't say no to this since you helped me a lot."

Izuku handed him two All Might t-shirts, he got one for Katsumi's birthday, that was coming in a month, he got the t-shirts because they were a limited edition that came out just that day.

"Do you think I would be able to be a hero that makes people smile?"

All Might put his hand on Izuku's shoulder, it smelled like sewer but it didn't matter.

"My boy, based on what you did today I don't think you would" Izuku frowned but All Might continued "I'm sure you will. I'll see you at UA"

"Yes, I promise I won't make you regret saying this. But wait see you at UA? Are you going to tech there?"

"Shit, it was supposed to be a secret." thought All Might

"My boy can you promise me not to tell anyone' It should be a surprise for when the next school year starts."

"Sure. See you at UA"

All Might jumped away, strange Izuku could have sworn he saw a bottle fall from the sky, nah he was imagining things.

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