Chapter 16

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"Izu please we have to go."

"I know mum but I can't find the papillon."

"Have you tried looking in the mirror?"

"Why would I? Oh... I see... I may be dumb."

In the mirror Izuku could see himself wearing a light-blue shirt over blue trousers, said papillon was red with pink stripes and his shoes the same colour as his shirt.

He definitely wasn't used to being that elegant.

He had been given the grace to pull his shirt out of his trousers and to roll the sleeves to his elbows, he felt suffocated with that choking device around his neck but his mother had insisted so much he felt asphyxiation was better than migraine.

Inko looked at her son and noticed how tight the shirt was, he wasn't lying when he said he had been working out, God his shoulders where nearly bursting out "I may need to have THE talk soon.".

Izuku shivered feeling an ominous future approaching him.

"Are you ready or you need help to find your head?"

"No, no, I'm ready."

The green haired family took the elevator and they reached ground floor, they walked down the road for a few hundred metres and they reached a house painted in a colour similar to that of the air of the loud inhabitants, poor Masaru was represented only by the trees, that to the outsiders felt more of his legitimate progeny than the teen living in the house.

Said teen opened the door before the Midoriyas could even approach the doorbell.

"Thank you for coming thirty minutes early, you saved me from my mother wanting to put make up on me." "Y-y-y-y-y-y-y-ou're, yuo're, re'you, comewel, er, welcome."

Izuku's brain had stopped working. He had seen her friend in a swimsuit, in training clothes, heck he had known her for a long, long time but he had never felt so.... entranced, she wore a white shirt with black vertical stripes that showed a bit of cleavage and a pendant in the shape of an explosion... or a flower? black trousers and white ballet flats (I don't know how to call them, I hope I can get the shoe across.), a few silver bracelets on her right wrist and a leather one on her left, when Izuku could finally focus on her face he saw her hair sparkling for the light coming from inside the house and her smile momentarily blinded him.

"Here's your presen-t. Happy birthday Kacchan!" he said with a wide smiled.

It was Katsumi's turn to be flustered, his trapezi, pecs and biceps were tearing the shirt apart, when he handed her the present she saw the veins popping out of his forearm, the final touch was his hair, tied in a samurai-like tail behind his head, she remembered when the boy decided to tie his air because "I can't put my mime hat on otherwise.", she mentally thanked the hat.

"T-t-t-thank you Izu."

"Dearies can we please get inside. You look so cute Katsumi." Inko rescued the teens from losing themselves in each other's eyes.

"T-thank you auntie, follow me."

When they got inside they saw Masaru in a simple yet elegant beige suit with a white shirt and a black tie with white ovals, Mitsuki stiled a cream sheath dress, mirroring Inko's green one, Masaru was eating his wife with his eyes, glad she decided to go to the gym.

They sat around the table on which the appetizers were already placed "Inko I knew you were going to be here early so I prepared everything in advance." said Masaru as he started to proudly present what he had prepared, "Here we have cones of brisee pastry with mascarpone, salmon eggs and avocado, next this is an easter pie and last but not least a strudel of vegetables. Main dish is going to be rice with strawberries mantecated with red wine, for second we have fish soup and for dessert a cube of brioche (Not croissant, BRIOCHE) with crème brulee inside and an almond brittle on top."

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