chapter 4: hero training camp.

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When Izuku and kaina heard that their children were going to a training camp for heroes, their concerns grew increasingly. So they made sure their children, unlike their classmates, were prepared for any situation.  Everything from evacuation protocols to emergency contacts should something happen.

Izuku had given his kids standard military issued body armor and GPS.
That way, they could locate each other.

They were also given a standard issue survival kit and medical kits. one of the most important pieces of equipment they had was their military grade reflective environment camouflage suits.

Their training with their parents  also prepared them for anything. Including potential rogue heroes or villains.

Thankfully, the villains they knew were particularly good partners with their parents. Izuku and kaina couldn't be around to watch their children all the time, especially if they were on a camping trip for school.

But that still didn't stop them from having spies, villains, or not, watch over them. The League of Villains wasn't particularly evil. They simply wanted to change how society viewed them.

Strangely enough, dabi was the one who volunteered to watch over Kai and Violet for Izuku and kaina.  Kaina and Izuku had an Intel gathering mission on finding out if all might and his presence in heroes society was still a threat.

From what they observed so far, he wasn't much of a threat unless all for one broke out of his prison cell.

It's not likely to happen. But the odds of getting out of tartarus for any villains was pretty much impossible ever since overhaul designed the quirk neutralizing ammunition and gas for the government to use against potential escaping villains. Muscular, however, didn't share the same belief that 2 children's lives were more important.

Dabi gave him 3rd degree burns after stating such a ridiculous claim.  He knew who they were protecting from other villains, and Muscular was seemingly becoming more and more of a threat.

Dabi then said.

"You see those 2 kids there.
The girl with the purple hair and the boy with the green and purple hair.

Those are our objectives. Protecting them is our mission, not attacking heroes. Get in the way Muscular, and I have orders from the boss to eliminate you or anyone who tries to harm them.

And those orders don't come from shigaraki. They come from the sniper goddess and shinigami themselves."

Hearing those names.
Sniper goddess. Shinigami.
A shivering chill went down his spine.
They were the 2 most feared assasins in all of Japan.  One was an expert at espionage and infiltration. The other was a professional sniper with a reputation of never missing their target.

Dabi then said.

"I'll say this one last time.
Any harm comes to them.
And their parents will hunt you down.
Then, they will dispose of your body.

Shigaraki works in close connections with them, and you don't want to have him explain why their kids were hurt.

Because if their parents don't kill you.
The you know damn sure Shigaraki will.
Now shut up and keep watch."

And Muscular said.

"What makes those brats an exception aside from being the children of the countries 2 most feared assasins???.

How is shigaraki involved with all this??? And why should we even bother listening to someone who is mentally unstable and a potential lunatic."

And dabi said.

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