chapter 8: confrontation with the world's leaders.

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Izuku's plan to find others who would attempt to come after him was simple.
Instead of waiting for the world to take him on. He would take on the world's ruling powers. Thus,he visited the Pentagon. The place where all the world's leading figures gathered as the United Nations to discuss potential future threats and situations.

The world's leaders gathered over a single argument. That argument being if they should trust the second chance agency or fight against it's influence.

The French, naturally, were against it.
If destro who was from France was an indication of what happened,then they would seek to end the agency completely. The problem was that the American government supported the agency because their hero, stars and stripes had personally volunteered for the agency and found it beneficial.

Japan China and Korea warned the others like Russia, Germany, Ukraine, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain, London, Africa, Asia, Italy, and several others not to mess with the agency and it's ceo.

Izuku then slowly walked into the room, and his footsteps giving off an air of murder and fuck your country vibes said.

"I'd listen to them, everyone.
Allow me to introduce myself.
Izuku tsutsumi midoriya.

Former assassination specialist of the Japanese government. My quirk is called tracker, but others call it bloodhound.

With it, I can sneak past any and all security measures and even into the most secure of facilities like this one.

I'm also the man France sent their agency to take out personally.
So, as punishment, I've come to end this pointless debate. Who wishes to die next???. America, Russia, London maybe???. Doesn't matter,really."

Izuku then then drew his pistol,killing the French prime Ministers body guards.
He then got behind the prime Minister and put the knife to his throat and said.

"You made the mistake of going after my family. And for that little stunt, you die."

In one swift motion, Izuku slit the prime Ministers throat, ending his life instantly. The other nations' leaders sat in silence of what to do next.

They could try and send everyone with them at Izuku, but he just single handedly took out professional French military soldiers. Weighing their options, they all looked to Japan and the Americans, the Chinese, and Koreans.

London then said.

"Your agency is causing much panic around the world, Mr. midoriya.
France was foolish to go after a former assasins family. If America,Korea,and China agree with Japan that your agency should be permitted to exist.

I see no reason why London should deny that opportunity for its own hero society.
Therefore, to prevent further bloodshed.

We hereby support the second chance agency, and it's cause to unite heroes and villains working together."

Eventually, one by one, country after country, they agreed. Except for Germany. Who chose not to support it.

As a result, Izuku jumped from one desk to the next, reaching Germany and putting a knife in their chest and 2 bullets in their skull. Japan ordered Izuku to stand down as they felt like they had gotten their points across.

Japan then said.

"If you mess with his family.
He will hunt you down.
No facilities are too secure.
No security is too tight.

No number of soldiers is too many.
This is our governments best trained soldier and greatest assasin.

He is the whisperer of death.
The shinigami God of death.
The silent night killer.
The ghost of Japan.

Izuku tsutsumi midoriya.
He is like a bloodhound.
His wife is the handler.
Did we mention his wife is Lady Nagant.

You go after this man, expect a fight.
You go anywhere near his family.
Expect to be put inside a body bag."

Izuku then said.

"Mr. Governor. Izuku midoriya.
Professional assasin code name shinigami awaiting further orders."

And the governor said.

"At ease soldier!!!.
Job well done. Return home and leave the rest to your government. That is a direct order from your superior!!!.

Your family will be safe from foreign government agency soldiers soon enough. Trust in your government.
You have served your country well."

Izuku then saluted his country representative and left through the air shafts that he'd entered through.

He later hijacked a helicopter and flew back home to his family's safety bunker.

Japan then said.

"We're all now in agreement.
The second chance agency shall kick off it's world wide debut without resistance.
You have seen what he's capable of.

Even I would not dare double cross him.
Once someone is in his sight. He hunts them down. And eliminates them."

The American then said.

"It appears you have a loose leash on your best bloodhound, Mr. Governor.
Most people like that are put on our watch lists as potential threats.
But you let him publicly walk around.
Why would you do such a thing???."

And Japan said.

"Sometimes, your greatest asset is always your greatest trumpet card.
The risk is almost always worth the reward when it comes to that man.

His loyalty to his country knows no limits. He will follow any orders.
And he will do so without question."

London then said.

"You're not concerned about him going rogue on you???. What if he decides not to take orders from his government???."

And China said.

"We have our own insurance for such a situation. We would simply send everything in our power to eliminate him. Without question, our best heroes would be given the order to kill Izuku.

Afterward, Japan covers it up by saying he betrayed his country and his family was part of that betrayal as well."

After passing the bill to permit a permanent establishment around the world for Izuku's agency, he and his family came out of hiding after it was over. Returning to civilization life.

2 more future country threats are gone.
Plus,France had been taken out completely. The panic caused them to surrender to Izuku and his agency.

If anyone was smart, they would leave the midoriya family and their agency alone. Or they would be in body bags.

Hell, hath no fury like a fathers rage.
And a mother's scorn. The attacks stopped after Izuku's display.
But the question was, for how long???.

Only time would tell.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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