chapter 1: izuku's decision.

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Izuku went home after the incident with the slime villain that attacked him.
He realized that with no powers he couldn't be a hero liked he'd dreamed.

So he told his mom that instead of joining UA academy he'd join the police academy and eventually the military.

This only frightened his mother as she knew the dangers of not having a quirk.
She also knew something must have happened to change her son's opinion.

Izuku explained about his meeting with all might, the attack from the slime villain, and how he was powerless to do much of anything to save himself.

Without powers he was useless.
So he'd join quirkless society and become famous a different way.

He'd trained himself harder to become stronger,smarter and faster than ever.
Later he joined the police force and passed the academy with flying colors.

His mother was so proud of him.
He wasn't putting himself in danger.
But at least he was becoming aware of his capabilities and limitations.

Izuku works hard eventually getting drafted for the military. There he meets his mentor lady Nagant. When she'd tested his marksmanship skills she was greatly surprised at how well he'd done.

Lady Nagant then said.

"Wow kid. That shot was more than a mile away from us. You did that without any sort of proper scope or sights???.

impressive but I'd consider at least getting a standard issue scope.
Your aim was good but accuracy was slightly off from the center target."

And Izuku said.

"I would. But everyone mocks me.
They say I'll never be good enough for the sniper division without a scope.
I do this to prove everyone wrong."

Lady Nagant then handed Izuku a lazor sight and said.

"Well then take this to improve the aim at least. It's your average lazor sight but it should help you for your future career as a sniper. Every person has their way of doing things Izuku. One day you will become the greatest marksman ever."

Izuku then said.

"Thank you master. Shall we go out for lunch???. I'm kinda hungry now haha!!."

And lady Nagant said.

"Sure thing Izuku.
I'll consider it our first official date.
I know you got the hots for me.~
To be honest I'm quite flattered. ~"

And Izuku said.

"Well see.
Thing is I've heard great things about you and your sniper skills. Your quirks abilities are amazing master. So I decided ever since I was a police officer.
That I'd become just as good as you."

Lady Nagant then asked.

"What made you decide to not become a hero instead of hating heroes society???.
Something must have happened right??.
So what exactly was it that changed???."

And Izuku said.

"Well one day I was attacked by a slime villain. All might saved me and I asked if i could become a hero even without a quirk. With sympathy he told me it was impossible. Then I realized, the world is black and white. Those without powers aren't seen as heroes but those who have them are regarded as heroes. I hated it.

Not having powers. So I joined the police academy passed with flying colors eventually getting recruited into the military and working my way through the ranks. Realistically I knew from the start, without a quirk, I'd be useless.

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