chapter 7:a call from a foreign government.

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All was going well for Izuku. He was living a normal life, there were no problems in his family, and his kids were already becoming successful heroes of their own in their own way.

He was enjoying life watching his agency become very popular as well.
Until one day, he got a call from an unknown asking from Shinigami.


Izuku was in his office doing what any successful business owners duties were.
Managing their company signing papers doing finances paying lawyers and staff.

And then he got a call.


Izuku then said.

"Hello. Thank you for calling the second chance agency for heroes and villains.
Ceo Izuku midoriya speaking, how can I help you???."

The anonymous voice on the phone then said.

"Is this the decorated soldier shinigami I'm speaking with???."

And Izuku said.

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