chapter 6: the second chances agency established

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After being approved by the people and several politicians for his agency, Izuku's dreams were becoming a reality.

As they had resources and contacts available for construction materials, Izuku personally oversaw the project.

The former villain Muscular was a great help with the heavy lifting and twice,He was able to guide several workers and work at the same time Kurogiri helped with the movement of materials and not long after, several heroes pitched in.

Endeavor helped by welding beams together, and cemntos helped provide the concrete and cement needed for the foundation to be poured. This was what Izuku's dream was. Heroes and former villains working together as a team.

Over time, the different levels would have several different facilities installed.
Each run by a villain or hero or both.

All might walked past the construction sight several times each day and realized the sheer size of the structure.

As he observed everything he said to himself.

"I can't believe the people actually think this will benefit both heroes and villains in understanding each other better.

I still think the idea of heroes and villains working together is a bad idea.
The fact that our government approved of the project makes me question how high up the ladder Izuku's reach is.

I might as well be out of the hero business. This agency will bring change.
Yeah, right. Change society, maybe.
But not criminals and villains."

The size of the agency building was simple. On the first floor, you had the gym and its instructor, Muscular.

On the second floor,you had a quirk testing facility for training people with quirks and a separate firing range for security guards to practice their aim.

The third floor was where students could learn and practice in private.
The rooms were all completely soundproof, and each floors facilities had separate locker rooms for men and women.

So basically, no gossip got around. Both locker rooms had security cameras hidden in the vents to prevent peeping Tom's from getting any ideas.

Every room required a certain level of security code clearance to access.

The main and first floors were open to the public, but the second floor and third floor required a heroes or villains registered identification card.

From the second floor upward, every door and every room was blastproof,bulletproof, and soundproof.

In truth. It's probably the most secure and safe building ever constructed.
Several months went by, and eventually, the construction was complete, and opening day had arrived in record time.

Izuku and his entire family were present. Making the cutting of the ribbon all the more special for people.

Inko then stepped up to the podium and said.

"I'd like to thank everyone who helped support my son's cause for being here today to witness the opening of a new chapter in society. A lot of you rejected the idea at first. But rest assured, this place is where the past gets put to rest and new beginnings for the future start.

No longer will society be divided.
With the help of my son's agency, any person looking for a second chance is welcome. Your potential is not wasted with us. Instead, we will help you realize how much potential you truly have.

Starting today, we'll be accepting new members into our agency. Without further ado, we welcome you all to the second chance agency for heroes and villains. May your progress be made in strides and celebrated with others."

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