31/12/2022 - Quynn

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My love.

For someone who's never written a love letter before, I have a newfound passion for writing to you.

I know my words will never reach you.

But there are so many things I failed to tell you. So many words I kept hidden inside my heart, so many things I wanted you to hear.

It breaks my heart to think that you will never know how much you changed my life.

I don't think many people can top us when it comes to first meetings. You have no idea the number of times I imagined recounting this story to our children and grandchildren when we're wrinkly, ugly and all gray.

Unlike Selena, I can't recall the exact moment I fell for you. Because from the moment I met you, it seemed as though you were always besides me.

I can't remember a time where I wasn't addicted to your horrible yet infectious laughter. And I sure as hell loved every day I got to see you wake up next to me. God, how I loved watching the sun rays hitting your face first thing in the morning.

You were, are and forever will be my best friend. The one who makes me laugh one minute and consoles me the next. The only person who knows me inside out and who I want to share every minute of my day with.

I miss you so, so much. You said you'd die without me, but it feels like I'm the one who's been buried alive.

When the sun comes down and meets the moon, I pray for you to come home to me. I pray for God to bring us back to life.

I love you.

Forever yours.

All I Want #1.5 : Words Left BehindWhere stories live. Discover now