05/01/2023 - Mute

12 2 1


I wish you could see me right now. You'd probably have a laugh. You always loved to tease me.

I'm sitting down on the hood of my jeep, using my knee to write this letter to you. Sorry for the choppy writing.

Good God I miss you. So damn much.

I feel like a zombie, walking around with a whole inside my chest.

I miss your laughter.

I miss your lips.

I miss your voice and your forehead kisses.

I miss things I didn't even know I loved about you. Like the way you snore but always deny it. Or how you hog up the blanket and leave me freezing.

You were always too beautiful to be true. An unattainable dream. Maybe I'm waking up.
Maybe this was always meant to be like this.

All the love.


All I Want #1.5 : Words Left BehindWhere stories live. Discover now