Distance - Matt

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Hey guys!! This was requested!

(Btw if you have any requests on stories, put them in the comments! Just no y/n or relationships!)

Summary: Matt goes mute during a car video and distances himself after feeling he isn't loved. But once Chris and Nick realize whats going on, they apologize and comfort Matt.

TW- swearing, yelling, crying, vomiting, panicking,


Matt's Pov

Chris and Nick have been on my nerves for more than enough and I'm tired of it. They won't just shut the fuck up. They are arguing over the stupidest thing ever.

"Can you guys just shut the fuck up?!" I shout. They both look at me even more pissed, "Matt, just shut the fuck up! No one gives a fuck! Be quiet and let us finish this!" Chris screams. He turns back to Nick and goes back to arguing.

What the fuck did I even do? All I did was try to get them to stop bickering over stupid shit. Fuck them honestly. They told me to shut the fuck up, so I delivered the favor.

After like a billion years of them arguing, they finally stopped and Nick looked at me confused. "Matt! Talk to the viewers at least! They want content and your just silent! Say shit! God damn!" He shouts.

They told me to shut up, and now they want me to talk? What would they rather have? "You just told me to shut the fuck up and now you want me to talk? Which one is it Nick?!" I shout back.

"You want me to be for real!?" He shouts once more. "Go ahead jackass! I want to hear it! Tell me!" I screamed. I actually don't want to hear it. It will hurt me.

"At this point, just shut the fuck up! There is nothing better for you to do anyway. You don't entertain the viewers and you just never fucking talk! Just stop talking!" Nick shouts.

He really does want me to be quiet. Don't worry, I will.

The rest of the video, I remained quiet. Not even a little word came out of my mouth. I would just nod or shake my head at the most.

*time skip!! (After video!!)

Right as we pulled into the garage, I ran to my room, without slamming it. I don't want my brothers with me right now.

With thinking, I decided I am going to distance myself from my brothers and mute. I won't talk to them, so they won't have to deal with me. Since I guess I'm 'useless' Nick always says.

As I laid in bed, tears filled my eyes. My hands were shaking, my breath picked up, I slowly started getting a head ache, and it was really hard to breathe. I placed my hand on my chest and quietly sobbed.

I couldn't do this anymore. I backed up, feeling for a wall, until my back crashed against one. I slid down and pulled my knees up and put my head down.

I took deep breathes to calm me down, which worked somewhat. I heard a knock on my door, "Matt? Are you ok?" Someone asked. It was Nick. "I-I'm f-fine" I stuttered back. "Matt, I know your not ok. Let me help you." He said.

I dont know why, but anger just came upon me. "Nick! I swear just go the fuck away!" I shouted. "I-I'm sorry Matt." He whispered, I heard his footsteps getting fainter. I felt bad, I let all my anger go upon me. They don't deserve me. They probably hate me even more now.

I'm definitely distancing myself now. I cried once more, not caring if I was loud or not. I looked up and quickly locked the door. I don't want to see my brothers, ever.

I didn't realize, but I ended up falling asleep, sitting against a wall.

*Time skip!! (Morning, like when Matt wakes up)

I woke up on the floor, confusion crossed my mind, thats when it hit me. I'm distancing myself.

I got up and changed into gray sweats and a blue hoodie. I laid on my bed, scrolling on my phone, not even looking at the time.

I unlocked my door, and used the restroom. I quickly went back inside my room, locking the door behind me.

I went back on my bed and thought. I looked at my white ceiling, not even realizing that someone was knocking on my door. My thoughts were loud. Very loud.

"Matt? Are you ok?"

"Matt! Open the goddamn door!"

"Please open the door!"

"Matt, I swear to god! Please tell me your ok!"

I snapped back to reality. I turned my head towards the door and listened. "I'm fine." I managed to slip out.

"Matt! Open the door please!" Chris begged. Oh, he is desperate. "Chris, I'm fine, just go away." I said. That didn't seem to get him to go away. "Matt, I'm not going away. Just open the door please!" He cried. Why the fuck is he crying?

"What the fuck do you want! Just leave me the fuck alone Chris!" I shout, raising my voice in annoyance. "N-Nick, he needs help right now. He is panicking, please Matt, I need your help." He cried once more.

I didn't even realize what he said at all. "Go deal with it by yourself. Just leave me the fuck alone!" I shout at him. "M-Matt, please, I can't do it alone." He sobbed. "Chris I swear to god, do it by yourself!" I yell.

*authors note!! (Basically Matt didn't really hear or understand what Chris said at first so he told Chris to do whatever he was doing by himself. Matt got mad because Chris wouldn't leave him alone and he was distancing himself too) that may or may not make sense, but I hope it does

"Fuck you Matt" Chris shouted, before running off back to Nick's room.

I didn't even know what he wanted, and I got mad. He hates me even more now.

Thats when my stomach turns, and I start getting lightheaded. I unlock my door, and run to my bathroom, locking the door behind me.

I go right in front of the toilet, grabbing the sides, until my knuckles turn white. Thats when I feel puke exiting my mouth.

The puking finally came to an end. I leaned back and hit my head on the sink. (Like the cupboards under the sink)

I stood up, and exited the bathroom. I went back into my room. (He locked the door ofc)

I laid on my bed, and my eyes were closing slowly. I'm just gonna take a nap.

*time skip!! (After the nap)

I slowly open my eyes as I sit up. I exited my room and went to the kitchen, there I saw Chris and Nick eating.

Chris gave me a dirty look as I entered. I feel bas for not helping. I grabbed a little snack and was off to my room until I felt a hand pull me back. "What the fuck?" I said, turning to see who it was.

"Matt, please tell me whats wrong." Nick whispered. "I'm fine, nothings wrong." I mumbled. "There is something wrong, you have been distancing yourself from us and being rude. Just tell us whats wrong please" He begged.

"Its what you said in the video." I admitted. He looked at me worried. "I didn't mean it Matt, I'm sorry I didn't know sooner. I was angry at that moment. I'm sorry" he said.

"And I'm sorry for not helping you calm down earlier." I replied, looking at Chris. "I didn't even know what you said until you left, I'm sorry."

We all had a group hug and everything was going to be ok!!


Hey guys!! Ik this is long and if it looks rushed, just know it is kinda. I can fix this if y'all don't like it.

If you have any requests, put them in the comments!! (Just no y/n's or relationships!!)

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