Seizure - Matt

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Hey guys!! I hope you enjoy this bc it took me foreverrr to write. *bc im lazy and didn't feel likr writing

TW- seizure, crying, panicking, hospitals,

Third Person Pov

Matt has been feeling odd. He had constant headaches, and would have dizziness scenes. But the twist is, neither of his brothers knew.

That afternoon, Matt was just watching some cartoons in the living room, while his brothers were playing video games.

Matt had his root beer, and some snacks.

He felt relaxed, but his headaches were still active, so as he drank his root beer, he took some medicine.

He wanted to take a great nap to make them go away, and sure enough that would happen soon, just not in the way he wanted it to. But Matt hated both naps and being sick, so the only way to make his pain go away is to take a nap, to wake up feeling no pain whatsoever.

He walked to fridge to get another root beer, and as he made his way back, but he stopped in his place. He placed his hand against a wall to keep his balance.

A wave of dizziness washed over him, but it was different?

He felt as if something horrible would happen next.

Sure enough it did.

He fell backwards, eyes rolling to the back of his head, as he was shaking uncontrollably.

His root beer went rolling on the floor, getting spilt everywhere.



"Chris, did you hear that?" Nick asked full of concern through his mic. (Like on gaming headphones)

"Yeah, it sounded like it was coming from upstairs" (chris was in his room, and nick was in his own room, so it would have been downstairs for nick. If that makes sense)

With that, Nick and Chris ran to the main floor, to find Matt shaking unconsciously on the floor.

"Holy shit! Matt!"

Nick knelt down next to Matt, as Chris was calling an ambulance.

"Oh Matty, please wake up." He whispered.

Tears came rushing down Nick's face as he watched his brother have a seizure.

As time went on, the ambulance showed up in a hurry, immediately putting Matt on a stretcher as careful as they can be and rushing him to the hospital.

Nick and Chris decided to just drive to the hospital by themselves, considering they needed each other's presence.


They waited in the waiting room, the silence was loud.

Chris and Nick had each other in their arms as they waited for updates. They just wanted to know if their Matty B was okay.

Chris was so deep in thought that he never heard the doctor call, "Sturniolo?"

Nick got up immediately, asking questions, but Chris just sat there.

"Chris? We can go check on Matt now." Nick said, shaking Chris' shoulder.

Chris snapped out of his little world, "Sorry, I was out of it. What did you say?"

"I said we can go to Matt's room now. But are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Lets go."

The two of them walked to Matt's hospital room. When they walked in, they saw him fast asleep in bed. They felt horrible that Matt had to feel so much pain. They just wanted their Matty B to be awake.


Chris and Nick were sitting on the chairs beside Matt's hospital bed. They were struggling to stay awake, but they wanted to be awake at the time Matt awoken. Chris ended up passing out, softly snoring, while his head was up against Nick's shoulder.

Nick fought with his consciousness, until his eyes grew very heavy and fluttered shut.

The two brothers fell fast asleep, but the other brother slowly started to stir, eyes fluttering open.

Matt looked around his surroundings, not recognizing anything. He was too out of it to think of anything, until he started to panic on why he had tubes and cords everywhere on him. He looked over to his left and his panic washed away as he saw his brothers.

He looked down at his hand and saw his and Chris' fingers intertwined. He squeezed Chris' hand which shot Chris up.


"Hey Chris..."

"Oh my fucking shit! How do you feel? Are you okay? Is there any p-"

"Chris I'm fine" matt laughed, "what even happened?"

"You had a seizure Matt," chris sighed.

Nick heard faint voices around him, so he also woke up. "Matt?! You're awake!!" He screamed.

Nick stood up from his chair and carefully pulled Matt into a gentle hug.


The rushed ending😭😭

Yall, im back. This was in my drafts for so long and i finally finished it. I knew I had to get at least a chapter out here bc I haven't posted anything since June.

So if this made no sense in any way, I'm sorry. It was rushed!

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