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When I regained consciousness my face was pressed against cold metal and honestly, I'd have much rather been dead

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When I regained consciousness my face was pressed against cold metal and honestly, I'd have much rather been dead.

I contemplated even opening my eyes but settled reluctantly for stretching my body out first before peeling open my eyelids. When I extended my foot out and met more metal however my eyes immediately flew open. "Sol, Sol you're awake!"

The owner of the voice barely registered in my mind as I was preoccupied with figuring out where I was. Well where I was wasn't really the question.

I was in aa cage.

The kind people put small animals or rodents in. My body was folded in an unnatural way so I could fit inside and even then I was barely managing. My limbs pressed against the opposite corners of it as my whole body strained to be set free.

No no no, the question was not where I was. The question was how I got here.


My eyes snapped to Astra who was sitting across from me in a cage almost identical to mine, her face pressed against the bars as she looked at me with worry. She began saying something that I wasn't exactly listening to because I was too focused on where my eyes fell next.

What the fuck?

Between our cages sat a machine that was blasting some sort of a golden lazer, that beamed bright yellow light at the metal that locked the handcuffs on Astra and I's wrists together. Our hands where being kept in place by other locks that forced them to point out of the cage whilst the laser tried to, what I assumed was cut through the handcuffs.

And not to be judgmental but it didn't seem to be doing quite a good job at it either.


My eyes locked with Astra's again I now noticed the white's around her irises were ringed red and her cheeks were damp. She'd been crying, I frowned. "I thought you were dead," She whimpered, "I was sure the wing had crushed your skull."

I cleared my throat, sitting up as much as I could, "You know I have a harder head than that."

"No, you don't understand," Her bottom lip wobbled, "T-they wouldn't let me hold your body after they got it off of you, not even for a second before they put us in here," She gestured to our cages, "I couldn't even see if you were breathing," More tears streamed down her face, "You've been out for so long I was starting to wonder if I'd truly killed you."

I leaned my head further into the soothing cold metal bars, they kind of felt like Astra's skin and the sensation did wonders for my approaching headache. "Astra don't cry I'm fine," I told her, semi-honestly, "No permanent damage I promise, and this is not your fault."

She shook her head sadly, "This is all my fault."

"Well, no pointing fingers now," I joked, "We've already been caught," I sighed, cracking my knuckles, "So did the humans tell you what they plan to do to us?"

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