Episode 83: Xia

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                ~Xia's Flashback Continued~

  Xia (Age 19)-
  I took a 5 and a 1/2 hour shower and then walked out, my eyes red from all the crying I'd been doing in the shower for the whole time. I walked to the mirror and saw the neatly folded up clothes. "For you-Toya." I read.
  I had a towel wrapped around my upper body and one tied in my hair. I unfolded the clothes and made a face. "Seriously?" I asked, this was the outfit:

                      ^^^(Source: Google)^^^  I pulled my hair out of the towel, it was too long, and I saw the scissors

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                      ^^^(Source: Google)^^^
  I pulled my hair out of the towel, it was too long, and I saw the scissors. I grabbed them and was about to chop off all of my hair.
  "Don't do that." Toya said, grabbing my hand.
  "Why the hell not?" I asked.
  "Cause I like the long hair on you." Toya said.
  "And that matters why?" I asked.
  "You threatening me?" Toya asked.
  "Is that a challenge?" I asked, gripping the scissors...he was within striking distance.
  Toya smiled and grabbed my hand with the scissors. He held my hand to his throat and I gasped. "I can make it a challenge." He said, oh my God his voice was sexy!
  My hand shook and I dropped the scissors, tearing up. "The first thing I have to do it toughen you up...you're too soft." Toya said, and he grabbed the scissors.
  I gasped, putting my arms in an X guard, closing my eyes. But, instead...he cut my hair for me, it was to a longer length than I wanted, but it was at least much shorter than what it was. "I take it back, the first thing I need to do...is break you of that habit." Toya said.
  "What habit?" I asked, confused.
  "The habit you have of immediately getting scared any time I raise my hand to you." Toya said.
  "That's not an easy habit to kick when that's all I've known for 19 years." I said.
  Toya put the scissors down and then leaned towards me. I did it again, I closed my eyes ready for a hit. Instead, he had put his arms around me and laid his chin on my shoulder. "I'm not gonna hurt you Xia...I promise. No one...will ever hurt you again." Toya said, and I gasped, my lips quivered, and I closed my eyes tearing up.
  Toya pulled me into his chest. "It's ok to cry with me by your side." Toya said, and I broke into his arms, he just held me, comforting me as I fell to my knees.
  I didn't understand what was happening right now, he was confusing the hell out of me. "Now come with me." Toya said, taking my hand and guiding me behind him.
  I held his hand and we took a secret passage way where we came into the dungeons and I gasped...I knew it! It was just a ploy.
  He held my hand tighter and I wanted to fight him, I wanted to run...but then, I heard a cell door open. "Xia!" Silver and Jeanette shouted, running to me.
  "Silver! Jeanette!" I shouted, and they jumped into my arms.
  I hugged them both so tightly. "Come on." Toya said, and we walked behind him.
  Silver and Jeanette held my hands and I clutched theirs as we walked. We came to the back and I gasped when I saw our dad strung up, right eye gouged out, bleeding, and his body was brutally beaten. I gasped. "I told you that you got one, I lied." Toya said, and I saw Amelia in a cell, tied up.
  "Xia!" Amelia shouted.
  Silver and Jeanette hid behind me, scared of her. I blinked. "What is this?" I asked.
  "Consider it a test." Toya said, handing me a gun.
  I gasped. "What the fu—" I began.
  "The gun has one bullet in it. Pick your target. Me...or Amelia. You didn't seem to have a problem pulling the trigger in the garden. So...what'll it be?" Toya asked.
  "That's an easy choice." I said, and I unwaveringly shot Amelia in the heart, killing her.
  "That's my girl." Dad said, chucking evilly.
  Toya kicked his side. "No one gave you permission to speak." He said.
  I blinked a few times and threw the gun down, shocked. I just killed Amelia. "I don't...really understand." I said.
  "You don't get it yet? Man you're slow, I thought you'd be smarter than that." Toya said.
  "Hey!" I exclaimed, offended.
  "I want you to be my partner, Xia. I always have the moment Slade and Nyssa told me about you. We'd be equals...I can teach you everything you'll need." Toya said.
  Dad smiled and Toya kicked him again. "Silver, Jeanette, the two of you can stay with us, ok?" Toya asked.
  "Ok!" Silver and Jeanette exclaimed, and we went back up to Toya's room.

                            ~End Flashback~

  Xia (Age 24/Current Day)-
  Toya put his hands on my waist, and I took a deep breath. "Falling in love with you was never part of my plan. You were supposed to be a means to an end, but the more you and I were together...the more I realized how much I loved you and wanted you in my life. You gave me no choice but to fall in love with you Xia." Toya said, placing his chin on my shoulder as he pulled me closer to him.
"Would you change it?" I asked, trying not to cry.
Toya turned me towards him and kissed my lips passionately. "I wouldn't change a damn thing, Xia. I love you, and that makes me happy. I'd make this whole world burn for you." Toya said, and he caressed my hips as he kissed me passionately on the lips.
I kissed him just as passionately on the lips back as I held my arms around his neck. "I love you Toya." I said.
Toya smiled. "I love you too Z." Toya said, kissing my lips again.
"Ok, we get it! You two love each other, sheesh. Get a fucking room." Silver said, leaned against the tent entry way with his arms folded over his chest and a lit cigarette in his mouth.
Toya smiled. "Get outta here man!" Toya exclaimed, playfully shoving Silver away, and I chuckled, my hand over my mouth and nose.
Silver laughed as Toya pulled him in and rustled up his hair. I smiled and the three of us headed to bed.

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