Episode 91: When You Need A Friend

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  I woke up and Kirishima smiled at me. "Did...did I fall asleep!?" I asked.
  Kirishima smiled at me. "You did, but it's ok." Kirishima said.
  I rubbed my head. "I'm sorry Kiri." I said.
  "No worries, I just didn't want to wake you." Kirishima said.
  "Did you at least get some sleep?" I asked.
  "Yep, he put his head atop yours and slept like a rock." Zeke said.
  Kirishima chuckled, blushing nervously. "I was tired too." He said, and I laughed.
  "You ready to get up and walk around again?" Zeke asked.
  I nodded and Zeke lifted me up as we walked. "You know, I'm really happy you and Lapis escaped." I said.
  "Yeah, we're happy that we could come make amends with mom, Elarza, Seth, and hell even dad." Zeke said.
  "Zeke...why do you and Lapis keep your distance from dad?" I asked.
  Zeke gasped. "It's nothing pumpkin, just... generalized anxiety." Zeke said.
  I looked at him. "I can tell you're lying, you can tell me...otherwise I'll just figure it out." I said.
  Zeke sighed and placed his hand atop my head. "Trust me little bug, this is something best left unsolved." Zeke said.
  I sighed. "Ok." I muttered, and then I looked at him. "You're a terrible liar, you know?" I asked.
  "Nah." Zeke said, rustling up my hair.
  I laughed, smiling at him, he smiled back with his eyes closed, and then he walked me back to the doctor's tent.
  Zeke sat me down and I sighed as he headed outside. "What's wrong little bug?" Mom asked.
  "Zeke's hiding something from me, but I can't figure out what or...or why." I said.
  "Did you try asking him?" Mom asked.
  "I did, he told me to drop it...in the nicest way possible." I said.
  "Hmm." Mom said.
  "I'll figure it out, for now...it's been about 8 months, so...one more month and I'm good?" I asked.
  "Yep, one more month and you'll be good as new." Mom said.
  I smiled and then I headed to the shack. "What's up love?" Daeva asked.
  "I need you to do me a...kinda gory favor." I said.
  "What's that?" Daeva asked.
  "I need you to look at my brain." I asked.
  "Can I ask why?" Daeva asked.
  "I need to know the answer to something that's been bugging me for a while now." I said.
  "Sure, but might I suggest...letting me use my toy instead of doing brain surgery." Daeva asked.
  I smiled. "Yeah, ok." I said, and Daeva nodded.
  She put a helmet over my head that scanned my brain. She printed out the scans. "You're not gonna like what I found." Daeva said.
  "What?" I asked.
  Daeva put the scans up and I gasped. "Is that what I think it is?" I asked.
  "It's exactly what you think it is." Daeva said.
  "There's a chip in my brain!?" I asked.
  "Yeah, and from what I could see it's a chip created by none other than Blake Mort." Daeva said.
  "Do you still have the drive I stole from The Ark?" I asked.
  "Of course." Daeva said, handing it to me.
  I plugged in the USB drive and clicked on my file...the biggest one. "Do you want me to leave?" Daeva asked.
  "No...I'm scared to see." I said.
  Daeva smiled and gripped my hand. I smiled, clutching her hand as I played the very first video labeled for the date of my birth. October 31, 2006 at 12a. Daeva and I gasped when we saw it. "That's why Zeke and Lapis have been avoiding dad." I said.
  "Are you gonna confront him?" Daeva asked.
  "I need more evidence first, and then I'll ask him. He had to have a good reason." I said.
  "I'll stay with you." Daeva said, and I smiled.
  "Thanks Day." I said.

  I yawned and stretched, putting on clothes and walking outside. "Did you just wake up?" Hanta asked.
  "Yeah." I said, confused.
  "Dude it's like...1 in the afternoon." Yo said.
  "WHAT!? Why didn't you assholes wake me up!" I yelled.
  "We thought you were up and busy." Hanta said, leaning on Yo's shoulder.
  "Oh my Gods, I gotta...I gotta go talk to the other clan heads." I said, and I ran to the meeting tent.
  "Captain Shoto, we were beginning to worry." Pherrah said.
  "I just...I slept in, I'm so sorry. Tianzo, you said you have a way to heal the land?" I asked.
  "Yes, the Druids are using ancient Druidic magic to aid in the prosperity of the forest." Tianzo said.
  "Thank you Tianzo, this means a lot to me." I said.
  "The repairs to Arcadia are almost done, once we get fully done, we'll all be headed home." Aspen said.
  "And the annual clan head meeting?" I asked.
  "It will be hosted in Raider Territory this time. We will welcome all of you." Pherrah said.
  We all bowed to Pherrah and I smiled, I walked with Yo and Hanta. "Are you like...ok dude?" Hanta asked.
  I rubbed my head. "No. I don't know what's going on with me." I said.
  "Is the stress bad?" Yo asked.
  "Yeah, and Jade is the only one that makes me feel relaxed but I...I don't want to rely on her for my sanity." I said.
  "Would it really be the worst thing?" Hanta asked.
  "Yeah! If she makes you feel safe and happy, you should rely on her. We all have a tether. For me it's Isabella." Yo said.
  "And for me it's Daeva. Kirishima has Bri." Hanta said.
  "Bakugo has Alex." Yo said.
  "Yeah, and Tetsu has Kendo." Hanta said.
"Plus, Midoroya has Ochaco. There is nothing wrong with having someone that you go to when you're stressed and anxious." Yo said.
  I scratched my head. "I know! I know, I just...I feel like Jade is different. I mean, she has more trauma than all of us! I don't want to dump my shit on top of her ever growing list of shit." I said.
  "Shoto...you may be the leader, but you're our friend too. We want you to feel safe and comfortable. We just want you to know that you have people you can rely on and confide in when things are eating you up." Hanta said.
  I took a deep breath, sighing, and rubbing my forehead. "I haven't slept a wink at night since I killed my parents. I've been doing my sleeping after I cry and rage for a little bit during the day. That's why I got up so late. I only went to sleep at like 10a." I said.
  "How are you a functioning human being with only 3 hours of sleep?" Yo asked.
  "I get less than that on a good night." Hanta said.
  "My Gods you two need help." Yo said.
  "Bullshit! What do you sleep, like an hour?" Hanta asked.
  "That's irrelevant!" Yo exclaimed.
  I chuckled. "I think the three of us could all use some R & R." I said.
  Yo and Hanta sighed as we continued with the repairs.

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