✦Sharp encounters✦

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As the clock struck 1 pm, the group lazily cleaned up and set off on their respective paths. Kamari, Darius, Kai'veon, Jordan, and Haven made their way to the physical training area, their footsteps echoing in the corridors as they talked about random things.

As they entered the training area, the sound of weights clanking and the faint hum of treadmills filled the air, creating a backdrop of activity that energized the atmosphere. Coach Ramirez, a stern-faced but seasoned instructor, greeted them with a nod before coaching a woman as she did a series of warm-up exercises.

"Welcome," he began, his voice carrying a sense of authority tempered with a hint of warmth.

"You can call me Coach Ramirez or just Coach, and for the next hour, I'll be guiding you as your trainer."

Coach's steely gaze swept over the group, assessing them with the keen eye of a seasoned instructor.

"Today, we'll be focusing on strength and endurance training," he continued, his voice echoing throughout the spacious gymnasium.

"You'll be engaging in various exercises designed to build both physical and mental resilience."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before delivering his final instructions, "I expect nothing but your best effort,"

"Hey are you and the leader related? You have the same last name," Jordan questions.

Coach Ramirez pauses for a moment, a faint flicker of recognition crossing his features at Jordan's question.

"Ah, you've noticed," he responds with a nod, his tone measured "Yes, she is my younger sister,"

Jordan exchanges a glance with the others, the man's reaction was tense.

"Oh wow," Darius speaks "It must be weird having to report directly to her,"

The coach offers a wry smile in response,"In a way, yes," he replies, his expression thoughtful.

"But when it comes to training, I run things my way. She handles the administrative side of things, while I focus on training and security,"

Coach Ramirez then gestures for the group to follow him to the weightlifting area, signaling the start of their training session. As they fall into step behind him, the group can't shake the feeling that there's more to the relationship between the coach and the facility leader than meets the eye.

"I'd hate having to take orders from my lil brother," Haven commented.

Haven's comment draws a chuckle from Coach Ramirez, his tense demeanor softening slightly.

"Believe me, it's not always easy," he admits with a rueful grin, "But family is family, you know? We make it work."

Reaching the weightlifting area Coach Ramirez gestures toward the various weightlifting machines, explaining each one's purpose and proper usage in detail. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining proper form to prevent injury and maximize effectiveness.

"Now, this here is the bench press," he says, pointing to the large bench with a rack of weights above it.

"It's great for building upper body strength, particularly in the chest, shoulders, and arms. Remember to keep your back flat against the bench and grip the barbell firmly but comfortably."

He moves on to the leg press machine, demonstrating the correct positioning of feet and the pushing motion required.

"This one's fantastic for working those quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes," he explains, his voice carrying over the hum of the gym equipment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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