~Chapter 9~

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~Sports Meet part 2 ~

Isha's POV

My heart hammered against my ribs as I slipped into the cool confines of the changing room. The next match was badminton, and I needed to ditch my sweaty throwball uniform before drawing any unwanted attention. As I peeled off the damp clothes, a snippet of conversation from the hallway outside sent a jolt of ice through my veins.

It was Rashmi and Jyoti, their voices muffled by the thin door.

"What's the deal?" Jyoti's voice filtered through. "You practically fawned all over Isha, offering her water and all. Didn't you just say you hated her guts? And now you're facing off against her?"

Rashmi's reply was laced with a sinister edge. "Do you think I'm an idiot? Giving Isha water? Please. My real plan is about to unfold."

A strangled gasp escaped my lips. Jyoti pressed on, curiosity lacing her tone. "What did you do, Rashmi?"

The answer that came back sent a wave of nausea crashing over me. "Sleeping pills," Rashmi replied, a hint of satisfaction in her voice.

My blood ran cold. Rashmi's cruelty knew no bounds. Bursting out of the changing room, a steely resolve burned in my eyes. Reaching the badminton court, I found a crowd gathered around, Rashmi basking in the spotlight.

"Look everyone," she declared, her voice dripping with faux concern, "the school president seems to be a no-show. Perhaps Mr. Desai should just declare me the winner by default."

Just as the anchor was about to chime in, I emerged from the throng, a vision of determination. Rashmi's face contorted in shock, the carefully constructed facade crumbling in an instant.

"Surprised to see me here, Rashmi?" I asked, my voice steady despite the tremor in my limbs.

The match began a silent battle unfolding on the court. Every swing of the racket channelled the anger boiling within me – the fear, the betrayal, the sheer audacity of Rashmi's plan. My nervousness, the excitement of the day, all of it fused into a single-minded focus. The shuttlecock became a blur, a testament to my unwavering resolve.

As the final point landed with a decisive thud, the crowd erupted. Three games. Two wins for me. One for Rashmi. My victory felt hollow, tainted by the darkness Rashmi had attempted to unleash.

The crowd dispersed, leaving only our small circle around the court. I marched towards Rashmi, her face now a mask of impotent rage. With a resounding slap that echoed in the stillness, I met her gaze head-on.

"How could you?" I spat my voice tight with fury. "Spiking my drink? If you wanted to win so badly, you should've practised harder, not wasted your time flirting with boys."

"You think you can get away with this?" Rashmi hissed, her voice laced with venom. "I won't let you!"

But I wouldn't back down. "You know what," I declared, my voice firm. "I'm not letting this slide. I'm going to make a complaint straight to Mr. Desai. And this time, Rashmi, there will be consequences for your actions."

.................. After 10 minutes

Stepping into the cool sanctuary of the restroom, I splashed water on my face, willing the fear and anger to recede. Washing away the sweat and grime felt symbolic, a cleansing ritual before facing my friends. Emerging from the restroom door, I found them huddled together, concern etched on their faces.

"Are you okay?" they asked in unison.

I forced a smile. "Yeah, of course, I'm alright. Rashmi can't get to me." It was a brave front, but only I knew the storm brewing inside.

We rejoined the crowd, cheers erupting as prizes were distributed. As the event concluded with the final thank-you speech, I bolted. Outside, near the parked cars, I found Ravi Uncle waiting by my car. A weak smile was all I could manage as I sank into the passenger seat, burying my head in my hands. Then, the car door swung open and a familiar figure settled beside me. Ravi Uncle started the engine, and a comfortable silence settled.

"Are you really okay, Isha?" Rishi's voice broke the quiet, laced with genuine concern. "You know I'm always here for you. Remember, my shoulder is always ready for your tears."

And that was it. The dam broke. Tears welled up, a sob escaping my lips as Rishi pulled me into a warm embrace. He rubbed my back gently, wiping away the tears that streamed down my face. Sniffling, I regained some semblance of composure and explained everything that had transpired.

Rishi listened intently, his expression a mixture of anger and sympathy. "I'm so sorry you had to go through this alone," he said softly. "How about next time we deal with Rashmi, we do it together?"

A grateful smile peeked through my tears. "I'd like that," I whispered, wiping my phone screen one last time just in case any telltale smudges remained.

Pulling into the driveway, I waved goodbye to Rishi, offering a reassuring smile for my family waiting at the door. Congratulations washed over me as I entered the house, the weight of the trophy and medal a bittersweet reminder of the day's events. Exhausted but relieved, I knew one thing for sure – facing challenges with my friends by my side would make all the difference.

............... the next day 

The next day, fueled by righteous anger and a shared sense of betrayal, Rishi and I marched into Mr. Desai's office. This time, there would be no sugarcoating; we were here to expose Rashmi's malicious plan. As we laid out the details, Mr. Desai's face paled. The gravity of the situation settled in the room, heavy and oppressive. Rashmi was summoned, her bravado melting away as she faced the consequences of her actions.

A visit to the school counsellor loomed for Rashmi, a far cry from the public victory she'd envisioned. Mr Desai, clearly rattled by the incident, offered profuse apologies. The school's funding by Arcadia added another layer to his concern; a scandal like this could have serious repercussions.

"Isha," he began, his voice laced with worry, "I understand this is a sensitive matter. I would truly appreciate it if you wouldn't involve your parents. Rest assured, Rashmi will face appropriate disciplinary action."

I nodded curtly, the weight of his unspoken request settling on my shoulders. Protecting the school's reputation, even at the expense of transparency, left a bitter taste in my mouth. However, the promise of consequences for Rashmi offered a sliver of satisfaction.

Leaving Mr. Desai's office, a wave of exhaustion washed over me. The past few hours had been an emotional rollercoaster, testing my strength and resolve. But as I walked out into the sunshine, Rishi's reassuring presence by my side offered a glimmer of hope. Together, we had faced down Rashmi's cruelty, and that, in itself, was a small victory. The road ahead might be bumpy, but with friends like Rishi, I knew I could weather any storm.

Author's note:

I haven't shared the ootd as i already have shared it in the previous chapter. how's the chapter? do let me know in the comments. thank you for reading so far.........


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