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"Tiana, may I have the pleasure of accompanying you to the school prom next week?"

"I...uh, um..." I trailed off as I looked at Riccardo wide eyed.

He looked at me expectantly and hopeful. Had I misjudged Riccardo? Had I not seen what was right in front of me all this time? Had I been delusional all this while? Could Riccardo asking me to prom indicate that he actually did like me? That thought had my heart fluttering with joy.



"Look Tia, I know what I did today was incredibly unforgivable and animalistic, I do not even deserve to be standing here talking to you despite asking you on a date, but I need you to know that just the thought of your cold behaviour towards me makes my heart ache. I can't think straight without thinking what I've done wrong to cause you to behave that way. I really am very sorry Tia; please give me one last ch-"

I got sick of hearing Riccardo's blabbing and apologizing for no reason at all so I did something that the Tia I know would've never done; I grabbed Riccardo by the collar and kissed him hard on the lips to shut him up.

"Yes." I breathed after breaking away from the kiss.

"Yes?" Riccardo asked, looking a little dazed by the fairly long kiss we just shared.

With a small smile I replied. "Yes, you may have the pleasure of accompanying me to the school prom next week."

Riccardo's eyes sparkled in the setting sunlight with joy as his face brightened with a beautiful smile. He pulled me closer once again and placed a chaste kiss on my lips, with the smile not once leaving his face.


"I think something is up, I mean you're never this quiet. Tell me or I will get it out of you."

"You obviously don't know what you're talking about Jen, stop bugging me." I heard Jason tell his sister as I walked through the front door after Riccardo just drove off.

"So when are you gonna ask her?" I heard Jen ask, not missing the teasing tone from her voice.

"Ask who what?" I asked as I entered the living room to where Jen and Jason were.

"Miss Australia, about time you got home. I was beginning to think you were staying over at that friend's house of yours." Jason said glancing over at me from the couch.

"Which friend did you go visit Tia?" Jen asked.

"Um, Gabriella. She wanted me to help her select a dress for prom next week."

"Who shops for dresses at home?" Jason asked aimlessly browsing through channels.

Jen rolled her eyes at her brother, "Jason everyone at school knows Gabriella gets famous designers flown in from around the world for her dresses. So Tia which designer did she get flown in this time?" she asked turning her attention back to me.

"An Italian designer named Eduardo Fabrizio."

Jen's eyes widened and her mouth dropped open slightly. "As in the Eduardo Fabrizio?"

"Um if you're talking about a guy in his maybe early twenties, Italian, has a stubble and is gay then yeah." I shrugged.

"And totally hot, it's a waste he's gay. If Jason ever turns homo then he should totally date Eduardo. He's gorgeous and a super famous fashion designer so it's a win-win situation for both of us."

"Shut up Jen! There is no way in hell am I ever turning gay, babes would become suicidal if that ever happened and I don't want anyone's blood on my hands." Jason retorted while Jen and I laughed.

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