Shape Shifter

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"You." I said a little louder completely taken by surprise. "How...When...What are you doing here?"

He grabbed my hand. "We can catch up later; right now we need to get the hell out of here."

I pulled my hand out of his grasp. "There is no way I am leaving without any answers or my best friend."

He sighed impatiently and ran a hand through his hair. "Tiana, I will explain everything to you as soon as you're safe."

"No way." I crossed my arms. "I want answers Jason and I want them now."

"Tia," Jason said in a warningly tone. "I will carry you out of here myself if you don't come with me quietly."

"How can I leave without Jai?"

"Who's Jai?" Jason asked.

"My best friend, I came here with him but he got a shady type of phone call and then left. I don't know where he is right now." I started to panic. "Oh God what if something's happened to him?"

"You're talking about the tall, buff dude you were with right?" Jason asked.

"Yeah." I answered then it struck me how did he know that. "Wait, were you following me?"

"Tiana, look I'm sure your friend is alright, he's not at any risk but you are. You need to go home now."

"Jason-" I began but he cut me off.

"My ass will be on the line if I don't get you to safety right now."

"Jai's ass could be on the line as we're speaking." I shot back.

"I assure you he's fine." Jason reasoned.

"How the hell do you know that?" I snapped.

"As I said, they want nothing to do with Jai or whatever, they want you. Please just listen to me."

"Who are they?" I asked.

Jason stared blankly at me for a moment before he spoke. "You know who." He said in a whisper.

I feigned a scared expression. "You mean as know who himself?" I leaned in closer to him and whispered in his ear, "As in Voldemort?"

Jason looked extremely annoyed when he pulled away. "This isn't a joke Tiana; I'm talking about the person who's been threatening you and Riccardo."

"I don't give a damn about that Jason, if they want me they must get it over with already. As long as they don't harm the people I care about I'm fine with anything." I said and then realized that Jason knew, he knew everything that I thought he didn't. Did he know that Riccardo was a vampire and about the dark world? I frowned. "Jason, how do you know all of this?"

"That's it Tia." he sighed and pulled something out of his pocket. "I'm sorry for this but your safety is far more important right now." he muttered before he pulled me towards him and covered my mouth with a hanky. I tried to shout into it but before my voice could come out I found myself feeling drowsy and soon my eyes were shut.

* * *

"Hmm." I moaned with my eyes closed, my head felt heavy and I was really drowsy.

I shifted a little and then after much mental deliberation I eventually fought off the drowsiness and opened my eyes.

I rubbed my eyes before I slowly sat up and looked at the bright light in front of me that actually was the television. I looked at the surface I was sitting on and realized it was a couch and when I looked at my surroundings I finally fathomed I was at home, in my living room.

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