Friend Or Foe

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"Beautiful." Eduardo clapped his hands in glee as he examined my dress.

"Ah Princess Tiana, you are going to be the most beautiful girl in the room."

I only managed a half smile at him in response. To be honest the dress that I was wearing was the last thing on my mind. It was just an hour ago that I got off the phone with the person I most desperately wanted to kill.

Our conversation was brief, he called more to taunt me and rub it in my face that I was a vampire. He claimed to be disappointed that he couldn't change me but said beggars couldn't be choosers; all he wanted now was for Riccardo to be out of the way so he can take over his throne and mate.

I barely said a word, not wanting to give off the anger I felt to him. I didn't want him to know that he affected me; I didn't want to give him the satisfaction.

"Princess Tiana." Eduardo's voice brought me out of my reverie.


"Thinking of Riccardo hmm?" he said with a smirk and wriggled his eyebrows.

I shook my head with a small smile in response.

"I was saying, you happy with the dress?" he asked in his thick Italian accent.

I looked at the simple, yet elegant black, strapless cocktail dress dress in the mirror and I had to admit that it was beautiful.

"Si, it's beautiful." I smiled. "Grazie."

He clapped his hands again and took my off guard and wrapped his arms around me. "Wonderful. It make me so happy Princess."

I frowned. "Please, just call me Tia. I'm not a princess."

"Yet." He grinned at me.

I rolled my eyes and ignored his comment. "Can I get out of the dress now?"

"Si Caro." He said and lifted his arms in the air. I frowned at him in confusion.

"Life your arms." He demanded.

"What? Why?"

"I take off the dress. You will damage it." He said as if it was the most obvious reason.

"In front of you?" I asked with my eyes widening.

"Si." He rolled his eyes. "I don't like ragazze, you won't effect on me. Prince Riccardo though..." he grinned.

I raised a brow at him and held back the laughter than threatened to escape. Sighing I gave in and did as I was told.

Once I was out of the dress and in my normal jeans and plaid shirt, Eduardo kissed each of my cheeks and smiled at me before greeting my goodbye and left.

I let out a breath, glad that this silly dress fitting was over. I really was in no mood for this ball that was three days away and now after that phone call, I had a feeling that this ball wasn't going to be as grand and extravagant as Serefina hoped.

It was already dark and the day seemed to drag as I sat in the living room sipping on my favorite B+ blood. I didn't like the idea of drinking from a blood bag so I poured it in a glass instead. I couldn't believe that I was actually sitting and enjoying a glass of human blood, if this was me last month I would've thrown up by now out of disgust.

"B positive." I voice said from beside me. "That's my favorite too."

I looked to my side and watched Massimo, Riccardo's father, take a seat. "I see we have similar tastes." He grinned.

"To be honest I don't really know the difference, I just like this kind better than the kind Riccardo gave me the other day." I shrugged and took another sip of the thick liquid.

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