Who's Bipolar Now?

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What a week I thought to myself as I sat on my bed crossed legged pulling out my diary and writing about my recent weekend at Riccardo's. When I glanced at the clock it was already after midnight and surprisingly I wasn't tired at all. I was now back at the Anderson residence, which had very quickly become my home. I'd grown to like this place and I was very comfortable here. After a scrumptious dinner prepared by Mrs Anderson I decided to call it a night but when I got up to my room, sleep seemed to vanish from eyes.

While writing my eyes glanced at my leg, Riccardo's 'magic tea' must've had some rare secret ingredient because when Mrs Anderson checked my leg she was just as surprised at the recovery speed as I was, she didn't understand how a fully sprained ankle healed in just two days, curiosity did get the better of me but I soon shrugged it off being happy that I could walk by myself again, although I didn't mind Riccardo carrying me all over. Wait, what was I saying, of course I minded, it's Retardo.

I smiled to myself remembering my weekend with him, Riccardo was nothing but a gentleman; he was charming, sweet, caring and lovable, yes lovable. Under that hard shell Riccardo was nothing but soft, maybe a little possessive and jealous, but overall a compassionate and gentle person.

Scratch that thought, of course I didn't mind Riccardo carrying me, hugging me, holding me and even kissing me. I felt so safe and secure around him, and whenever he touched me those tingles were still there but I felt like I was made for him, his touch felt so assuring, when we hugged I felt as if my body moulded perfectly against his. I've never felt that way about anyone, not even when I'd hugged Jai or even Jason; the feelings I got around Riccardo was something different, something new and inexperienced, it was foreign yet exciting at the same time and I liked it, I really liked it...a lot.

Why did I get the 'tingles' whenever he touched me? Why did my heart beat faster and my breath hitch whenever he was near? Why did I get butterflies whenever he would smile? Why did I smile to myself whenever I thought of him? Why did I even think of him so often? Why, now that I was away from him did I feel so empty, like a piece of me was missing? Why was I pining to be near him?

I ran a hand frustratingly through my dark waves, all the questions running through my mind was sure to drive me crazy. More than that the unexplainable feelings I felt would surely land me in a mental asylum, why do feelings have to be so complicated?

I shut my diary, put it away and grabbed my iPod out of the side drawer, I pressed shuffle and plugged in my earphones, blasting the volume on full. If something would stop me from thinking so much it would be music, well at least I hoped.

For the first few minutes I relaxed and let the music take over all my senses, whenever I wanted to block out everyone and everything and just clear my mind, music was always the best remedy. I wasn't one who really paid attention to lyrics, I was more of a listening to the beat type of girl, but today I somehow noticed the lyrics, the words causing butterflies in my tummy, as Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran sang,

'And all I feel in my stomach is butterflies, the beautiful kind, making up for lost time, taking flight making me feel like I just wanna know you better know you..."

I skipped next and sighed skipping to the next track,

'...Cause every time I see your bubbly face I get the tingles in a silly place, it starts in my toes and I crinkle my nose wherever it goes, I always know that you make me smile..."

I groaned under my breath and hit next again hoping to come across some lame instrumental song or hard metal rock, something that my brother or Jai maybe put on my iPod. With no luck I found nothing, I kept on skipping through the songs, but almost every song spoke to me in one way or another, since when were songs supposed to be relatable and meaningful huh?

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