An Emotional Outbreak

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This chapter is dedicated to my awesome reader smokyEyesmwah

Also the song on this side was playing when I was writing this chapter and I thought it fitted Riccardo's situation well. You can play it whenever you feel but I see it fit at the part where you will see the stars.


Riccardo's POV

"Have a goodnight, princess." I smiled and moved in close to her.

I could hear her heart racing as I moved in close to her. I loved knowing that I had the same effect on her as she did on me.

Before she could pull away, I placed a light peck on her cheeks, and whispered so softly that I doubted she would hear, "I'm so sorry again."

She looked up at me when I pulled away, I couldn't help but flash her a closed mouth smile, before she could react I got in my car and raced away. I honestly had no heart in hearing any more harsh words or taunts from her.

I pressed on the accelerator hard and sped as fast as the car could go. Whenever I needed to clear my mind, going for a drive always helped; but right now I needed some quiet time alone, I could always go to Greta's club, but I didn't want to create another scene as I did a few days ago. So I drove to my most favourite place, whenever I needed some alone time I would come here, it was my place of tranquillity.

I pulled off the car and parked on the side, nobody would notice the car, it was a Friday night and nobody came here. I jumped out and walked to the front of the lake; I took a seat on the side benches and looked at how beautiful the serene water looked under the moonlight.

This was the same place I brought Tia when she was being stubborn and didn't want to move out my way. I smiled to myself remembering how frightened she was, how all those crazy thoughts of me killing her were running through her head. When I had stopped by the lake she was confused, I could tell because every time something would baffle her, she would pull her delicate lips in a little pout and furrow her eyebrows. She looked so cute like that.

This place was part of an estate that was owned by my parents, it was first a private lake house, but I insisted on making it a public park. I didn't want to pickle up the beauty of this place, I wanted the public to see the beauty this place possessed. Since then it has become quite a popular place for couples to spend time together.

Anybody who knew me wouldn't believe that I came here to admire the serenity of this place. I was known as the brave, stern, ruthless vampire prince. I was known as cold hearted who mercilessly killed innocent humans for my own pleasure. I wouldn't disagree with people's thoughts; I was like that, but many years ago. I had changed over the couple of years; I hated what I was, I always just wanted to be a normal teenage boy that only worried about school, played around with girls and went out with friends.

Fate however had different ideas for me, I was to be born as a vampire, maybe I could deal with that; but dealing with the pressures of being the dark prince had become a major burden for me. My people had certain expectations from me, I couldn't be who I wanted to be, I was moulded into something that I didn't want to be.

I couldn't handle the pressures any longer, so my parents had agreed to give me my freedom. Gabriella and I had shifted here many years ago attending different schools, living in different states, trying to be regular teenagers. Over the years living in America everything had worked out, I was finally able to breathe normally without being judged or observed. I felt almost normal. From partying, having friends, bunking classes to even playing around with girls. I was even known as the spoilt rich kid by few. I stayed away from the girls at school, none of them had ever interested me, and to be honest I didn't want to play with their minds and emotions, they were too young.

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