Bio and prologue

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Name: Acid Unknown

Race: vermillion

Acid has the colors of the snake in the cover but as he grows up his figure will look like char from season 11. He also has the powers of the 5 serpentine tribe plus his own. The other vermillion hatch in season 7 but something special happens and he hatched much sooner. Will have a scar through his left eye. Same age as the other ninja.

They serpentine wars are over. The serpentine are sealed underground and the elemental masters are just about to seal the last one, which is a egg. Wu is with them.

Wu: wait are we really going to seal a egg in the tomb?

Elemental master: of course. Just think what would happen if it hatches and tries to free the other serpentine.

Wu: but it's just a egg and it's going to be alone. I just think we could put the egg with another serpentine tribe in their tomb.

Elemental master 2: that's silly Wu.

The elemental master with the egg threw the egg in the tomb really hard and the shell hit the wall and cracked it. They seal it and in the tomb the egg is pulsing and a dark cloud is forming in the egg.

In 24 years the egg has been shaking and the dark cloud has been leaking out the crack and covered the whole tomb in it. And then the egg bursted revealing a snake with all black scales with purple lines through its back and purple eyes. One thing to notice is that its left eye has a scar but the most noticeable thing is that the scar is through the actual eye and not just the scales.

???: ah yes you finally hatched young one. You are going to be spectacular once you grow up.

Throughout the years the snake named Acid by the mysterious figure has fead him the darkness that surrounded him. As acid grew up the voice would always talk to him, keeping him company and feeding him darkness. Acid says that it's not that it doesn't taste good but it's keeping him alive.

Acid: darkness. darkness. That's all I see. It's all I eat. It's cold. There's no one here. It's just me. Just me. With him. That voice. It keeps me company. I wonder. If there's others like me. He says he doesn't know. I-I don't even know how long. Have I been in here. He says for my whole life.

Timeskip 16 years

Acid grown older more taller but still alone. But in the time the voice stopped talking to him. Making him truly alone. Until this one faithful day.

In the outside we see a older Wu contemplating.

Wu: its been 40 years since they sealed the egg. I just want to see if it's alive. And if it is then I will welcome them and let them join my team. Hopefully it's not to late.

Wu then thought about what has happened in the past years. His brother turned evil and in the underworld, him assembling a team of ninjas to get the golden weapons to stop Garmadon from getting them and to now.

Wu opened the tomb and out came the black smoke that has been trapped in the tomb as well.

Wu: (surprised) what is this stuff and why is in there?


Acid: (shocked) huh .... The tomb. opened. How can it?

Acid cautiously slithered out being blinded by that thing up there. Wu being shocked and surprised was an understatement. Wu was actually happy that this snake has survived in there. But took notice in its appearance. With it has black scales and purple line patters, a scar on its left eye and what seems to be the most noticeable is that black smoke is coming off it and it doesn't seem to end.

Wu: hello there. What's your name young one?

Acid: it's .... Acid. Acid Unknown.

Wu: that's a wonderful name.

Acid finally got adjusted to the light.

Acid: what. What is. That? (points at the sun)

Wu: that is the sun. It gives off heat and light to the world.

Acid intrigued but asked

Acid: who. Are. You?

Wu: my name is Wu and I'm here to help you.

Acid: how?

Wu: by taking you in and training you to be a ninja.

Acid: ninja?

Wu: I will tell you all about it but first we must go to my monastery. And get you to meet my other ninja.

Acid: monastery? And I. Get to. Meet. Others.

Wu: yes you will. It's ok acid me and my ninja will help you and you won't be alone anymore.

Acid: ok. Whatever. You. Say.

After they both are done talking they journeyed to the monastery. They took longer than expected mostly because acid wanted to look at things he never seen before and had to watch out for other people. Wu knowing how they would react to a snake.

Timeskip to the monastery gates

Acid: woah. This. Is. A. Monastery?

Wu: yes it is. Now come on they are just through the gates.

Wu opens that gates

Wu: ninja come here there is someone here you must meet

The ninja come out from one of the rooms. The blue one complaining how he was almost about to beat "Cole's" high score.

They greet Wu and then the red one asked who what that behind him. Acid was cowering behind Wu because he was nervous.

Wu: Ninja I would like you to meet a new member of our team. Acid Unknown.

Acid comes out from behind Wu and shyly waves

Acid: h-h-h. Hi

The ninja being stund by the big snake that towers over them all but if he is going to be apart of the team then they should welcome him.

Red one: hi the name's Kai.

Blue one: Jay's the name, Lightning is the game.

Ice one: my name is Zane.

Black one: the name is Cole.

The girl: hi my name is Nya.

With the introduction out the way they all started to hang out and become great friends. That taught Acid what a game is and how to play. They showed him different food and drinks. They showed him what a tv is and shows. And in all they had a great time.

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