Dragon form

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Atop the Crystal Island, Lloyd and Garmadon fight the Overlord and Acid.

Overlord: Did you hope to defeat me so easily? This form is but a shell. A vessel which I command, and change at will!

Lloyd: Harumi! Help us, please! We can defeat them together!

Harumi: I'm sorry, Lloyd. The only way this will ever end is for one side of the balance to win. And you're just not strong enough.

Lloyd: You're wrong!

Acid: no, you're wrong! (Uses the staff to blast them back as the Overlord gathers crystals around him.)

Garmadon: That can't be good.

The Overlord emerges in the form of a centaur.

Overlord: It is you who are wrong! (He slices off the left arm of Lloyd's mech.)

Lloyd: Reroute power! Close all circuits to left arm!

Garmadon: No! (He defends Lloyd, whose mech is blasted off the structure by Acid, The two then charge forward.)

On the ground, the heroes battle the Crystal and Vermillion army.

Jay: There's too many!

Cole: My powers. They're gone!

Jay: Mine too!

Wu: They're getting too close! Your powers will no longer work!

Nya: Look out!

She pushes Jay out of the way. Behind them, Ultra Violet, Killow, and Ronin are crystalized.

Mechanic: (To P.I.X.A.L.) The Mechanic could always use more spare parts.

Suddenly, the Shintarians arrive to help.

Cole: It's the Shintarians!

On the other side, the Keepers and the Merlopians join the fight.

Keeper: For King Benthomaar of the Endless Sea! Charge!

Jay: The Merlopians! Nya, your message reached them!

The Serpentine emerge from a manhole.

Kai: And the Serpentine?

MiniPix Seven arrives in the Ninja Ultra Combo Mech.

P.I.X.A.L.: MiniPix!

More characters from past seasons arrive.

Nya: The scroll! Remember? "Only if the allies unite!"

Kai: This is the moment the scroll prophesied!

Jay: So, what does that mean?

Wu: It means Quanish was right for once. You must do it now! You must attempt Dragon Form again!

Zane: Jump up!

Kai: Kick back!

Jay: Whip around!

Cole: And ... spin!

The four ninja spin and glow golden.

Wu: Whoa.

Aspheera: What magic is this?

Vangelis: Stop them! Before it's too late!

The ninja achieve Dragon Form. The Shadow Iron Doom sees this and in turn means Acid saw this and made him sigh.

Nya: What are you waiting for?

Ninja: Ninja, go!

Nya: Get 'em!

The ninja tackle the generals and the Vengestone Guards. Zane takes on Mister F and reclaims a Shuriken of Ice. But Zane wasn't stronger than the Shadow Iron Doom and it was tossing him around until it left to deal with the others. Harumi watches as the Overlord and Acid fight Lloyd and Garmadon.

Lloyd: Father?

Overlord: Did you truly think you could defeat me? Your powers were a gift from me. It was I who possessed the serpent that bit your hand! It was I who corrupted the Great Devourer and set him against you!

Acid: (fake gasp) plot twist.

Harumi: You?

Overlord: All that has happened was by my design! The Devourer was merely a pawn! Set in motion by me, to provide a worthy vessel for my return! Now, at last, I have such a vessel! I am complete! Thus does Garmadon, son of the First Spinjitzu Master, meet his end.

Harumi: No! (She charges at the Overlord.) You took my parents! You took everything from me!

Acid: (grabs Harumi) that he did. (Harumi tries to get out of his grasp but couldn't) hey, I thought I killed you? Hmm, well I guess I have to do it again. (Throws her at Lloyd)

On the ground, the Mechanic attacks Nya.

Mechanic: What happened? No golden wings for you? Guess that means you're not a real ninja! Just a girl in a costume. Huh?

Nya: (She manages to trap him under a water pipe with her powers.) How's that? Real enough?

Jay: Nya! Look out!

The Mechanic aims at Nya, but Okino slices off his arm.

Mechanic: Huh? Who the heck are you?

Nya: He is ... Okino!

In the air, Vangelis pursues Cole.

Vangelis: I've longed for the chance to repay you for what you did!

Cole: What did I do again?

Vangelis: You stole my throne! Turned my people against me, turned my own daughter against me!

Cole: Oh, that! Yeah, kinda brought that on yourself.

Vangelis: Lies! (His Dragonide pins Cole on the ground.) The Crystal King wanted you for himself. Lucky for me, he isn't here to see this! (He prepares to strike him with his scythe, but is attacked by Adam.)

Cole: Adam! Plundar! Thanks for the hand! Princess Vania! (He reclaims the Scythe of Quakes.)

Zane: Cole! Channel your elemental power into the weapon! Focus!

Cole restores the scythe and defeats Vangelis. On a rooftop, Kai battles Aspheera when Pythor joins the fight. Jay arrives and tackles Pythor.

Kai: Thanks! Now, what was I doing? Oh, yeah. (He attacks Aspheera.)

Jay: (To Pythor) Oh no you don't! (He uses his lightning, forcing Pythor to reveal himself. He then restores the Nunchucks of Lightning.)

Kai: (He restores the Sword of Fire as well.) It worked!

Wu: Look! They're losing power! Now is the time to strike!

P.I.X.A.L.: How about a drill instead? (She destroys a Dragonide with her mech.)

Machia: fall back!

The heroes successfully destroy all the Dragonides and Vengestone Guards leaving only the Vermillion and the Shadow Iron Doom.

Aspheera: You only think you've won! In moments, you and your ninja will be corrupted. Your elemental powers will be his! Acid will be mine! And I shall have my reve— (Zane freezes her.)

Kai: Thanks. If I had to hear that one more time ...

Nya: cmon! We still have the Vermillion left, we can do this!

Blunk: uh actually, we're just waiting.

Kai: for what?

Raggmunk points us and the ninja look up and the see the Island overhead, the Crystal Island emits more shockwaves.

Overlord: You have failed!

Wu: How could I have been such a fool? The Overlord doesn't want to destroy you. He wants to corrupt the powers of Creation!

Kai: So how do we stop them?

Wu: We're too late.

Machia: now prepare the downfall of Ninjago!

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