Chapter 6: The Council

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"You gotta be kidding me?" Gizzy scoffed as the other elders stared at her, one empty seat where Gandalf used to sit, now occupied by a ceremonial wooden skull. "You think I killed his fat ass?" she finished.

"You wanted him dead, and you wanted him off the council." Said the white elder.

"No shit Sherlock, I wanted him off the council, until I got him to see my point and side with me, now that doesn't help me much, does it? Finally flip your opponent's opinions after months of debates and then kill him before getting to use the majority vote? What kind of bullshit plan is that? And I wanted to kill him legally, in the pit, fair and square in front of thousands of Delmarians, but he didn't have the furry gray balls to step up. Now I can't even have that. I'm as pissed off as everyone else that he's dead like this, now, in that kind of manner. What did I gain exactly? And half of you wanted him dead too, don't act like you didn't. He was well hated, and none of you geriatric chickenshits could take him in a fair fight in the pit. That's why nobody ever challenged him. You were waiting till he got old and sickly, and apparently someone just got impatient and decided backstabbing was just easier. Don't you dare blame this shit on me. You have no evidence because there is none, no motive because it's flawed, and no right because when I kill someone, I look them in the face, not stab them in the back." she roared.

"She was with me during the killing." Said another council member. "3 of us were in the courthouse discussing important events when the murder transpired."

"And normally that would be a viable alibi, but she is not Delmarian. This...amalgam of printed flesh and metal copies herself constantly. She could be anywhere, many places at once. That proves nothing, which is why Osirians have no place on our council." Roared another one.

"I bought my way in just like you did, asshole. Bribes and royal lineage, the council agreed."

"Disgraced royal lineage, exiled and executed for war crimes."

"Technicality doesn't matter." Gizzy replied. "The discussion isn't weather or not I'm worthy to be here, I AM here, and a council member was murdered, and I'm not the one who stabbed him in the back. So can we keep the discussion on the topic or do we all just grab a sword and start collecting heads?" she said, eyes glowing and canines extended.

"ENOUGH!" hollered a figure in black, sitting on the largest seat. "My word as honor, this is not the way Gizzy handles matters. I believe her, and I know her well enough to say that confidently." He said, his eyes glowing red under the hood.

"Knowing her very well is what got her on this council, after all. She often handles her opponents lying down." Snarled a female Delmarian.

"OBJECTION, IRRELEVANT POINT!" Gizzy barked back. The room went coldly silent. Everyone was now standing and ready to fight if necessary.

"We will deal with this in the old ways." Said the red eyed cloak. "She is innocent until evidence is presented, not theory or accusation."

"Innocent may not be the most accurate word for me in general, but regarding this specific matter, I had no involvement." Gizzy said, stabbing the table with his dagger. "And whoever did this, will face me in the pit for it. I will be collecting a head from his death." She growled.

"It is not permitted. The new laws state that an outsider cannot invoke the right of Fupar."

"Then let's put that law to a vote again." She barked.

"Without all 12 elders, the laws cannot be changed. A new elder will be selected, and the matter can be challenged then." Said old white-fur.

"Gizzy, calm down. Those are the laws, and we are not above them." Reminded red-eyes from behind his cloak. "Not even you." She grabbed the knife and turned her back.

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