Chapter 19: Enter The Dragon

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Gizzy wasted no time rushing him, jumping and swinging a wild overhanded slap and that balled into a fist just before impact, sending Hyde'd head on a good 90-degree rotation. He swung the claymore-like sword blindly just to gain some room to function. Just as his eyes cleared, and his senses returned, she was moving right under his sword swing, using her shorter height as advantage and going for the ribs. 3 lightning fast jabs to the chest, and she turned, back, kicking him off his feet into the dirt.

"I can't fight like this!" he roared, tossing the sword and shield to either side and going in bare handed, almost BEAR handed as he decided on claws or knuckles. Gizzy faked a step, and he corrected for it, giving her a hefty right-handed power punch.

His steel plated knuckles clanked loudly as if hitting metal on metal, and feeling like it too. Her head barely turned on impact, giving no delay between her counter punch.

They struck fist to fist, and His arm buckled, nearly breaking his wrist.

"WHAT ARE YOU MADE OF!?" he barked.

"Nightmares and metal." She chuckled, with a villainous low pitch, almost as Zeus-like as his own voice. He bull rushed in, tackling her and veering for the wall. Weight was his only advantage when combined with horns and momentum. He put everything he had into his antler and drove her into the stone wall. She returned with an elbow to the head, flattening him like the armor meant nothing. She walked away, circling and sadistically hitting her own head to rile up the crowd as Hyde got back to his feet.

Evil Nicole turned to Jack.

"The drugs are gonna kick in soon, right?" she asked.

"Absolutely, any second now." He bluffed. Dee tapped him and leaned over discreetly.

"They're already kicked in, aren't they?"

"Hundred percent, otherwise that would have knocked him out cold. He's completely fucked." Jack said, looking annoyed. Gizzy sprinted at him, ready to take him down just as he got up, not realizing he grabbed his shield on the way up and used it like a weapon. The heavy 5-foot wide steel disc connected thin-side first into Gizzy's nose, scooping her feet from the ground and sending her neck first down like a very badly landed half backflip. The crowd pounded the seats and cheered as she got back up.

"You sneaky little shit?" she smirked.

"Little?" he asked in a baffled manner. She rushed him again, and he ran away to the wall, running up it and pushing off to return to her with 9a thousand pounds of meat, armor and fur at a downward angle. He just knew he was about to compress her like an empty beer can until the impact felt far more solid, barely moving a few inches before springing up and launching him airborne. He landed hard, stumbling into the impact and circling back as he approached. He tucked the shield into his left side, rotating for a hooved kick and just as Gizzy stepped aside to dodge, it, he extended his left arm and frisbee'd the shield into her with a takeout throw.

"You fight nasty." She said, adjusting her jaw and picking up the shield, tossing it back playfully just to return it.

"And you're like fighting an iron statue that moves like flesh." He said, grabbing his sword. "But like you said..." he added, rotating the pummel as the blade sparked and glowed a dull red at the tip, the high pitch ring of electricity filling the air. "I fight nasty." He grinned.

"Now, who gave you that little toy. Hardly Delmarian standard alloy."

I'm not fighting a standard Delmarian." He replied, as the blade arced and popped with about 30,000 volts, the blade now glowing cherry red almost to the hilt except the shiny black central fuller separating the 2 electrified halves.

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