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"How are you baby?" I heard my mother's soft voice echoing through the phone.Putting the speaker on,  Saya place the phone on my thighs and left the room giving me privacy. I leaned my head against the headboard of the bed. My eyes were looking at the closed door.

"I'm fine mom, how are you?" I asked. It's been about a week since I talked to her like this.

I honestly missed her so much.

"I just finished a meeting and set foot at home." she said, her voice tired. I sighed.

"Don't overexert yourself. It's not good for your health." I said, after my father died, my mother took over the business with my older brother. Now they both keep it going.

"It's not like that. I went to the office today after many days. Otherwise, your brother is the one to take care of everything." She tried to convince me.

But I know that she is still struggling to take care of the company as before and knowing full well that it was built on the sweat and hard work of our father and his generation, she is trying her best to ensure that it does not collapse.

I heard a small child's voice screaming in the background and my Mom trying to silence him. "Enzo shut up, go out and play, I'm on a call!"

I heard my Mom yelling at him. A chuckle came out of my mouth. It was my nephew, my brother's son, Enzo Romano.

"He's grown now, isn't he? He was about two years old when I last saw him." I asked, remembering that I was holding him on my lap.

He was very small back then. Like a baby squirrel. My sister-in-law had to deliver him before the due date, so the delivery was a bit difficult. Unfortunately, she died due to the risk of delivery. My brother was very depressed in those days. As the child was born before the due month, he did not grow much, his weight was much less than the weight of a healthy child.

My brother was very afraid for the baby's life. After the death of his wife, he was left with only the baby. It was for Enzo that he recovered mentally and brother was afraid that Enzo's life would be in danger.

But thanks to God and all the hard work of my brother, after a few months he grew up to the weight of a normal child.

"He's five years old now and very stubborn." I chuckled as my Mom said with a sigh.

"He is like his father, Mom, we cannot change the blood." I said, my mother laughed.

"It's true," she replied. There was a moment of silence before I broke it.

"Mom..." I trailed off.


"Taehyung found me a new neurologist." I said, my eyes are on the phone on my thigh.

"Really?" There is happiness in her voice. I can imagine her dimples visible from the wide smile on her lips. "That's great. I was also looking for a neurologist for you but I couldn't find a good one."

"He's an American, Dr. Martin. Taehyung has high hopes for him." I said with a sigh, "But what if it doesn't work, Mom, he will be very heartbroken."

"God, Adelina. Why are you so negative?" she asked, clicking her tongue, annoyance in her voice.

"Mom, I'm trying to be practical." I said, furrowing my brow. Why doesn't anyone understand what I'm saying? First Taehyung, now mom too. "You're just like Taehyung." There is a slight irritation in my voice. She sighed.

"I understand baby." Her voice softened."But the surgery can really be successful, right? We shouldn't always see only the bad side." She said, my bottom lip caught between my teeth. I didn't say anything.

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