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I wake up the next morning, tired and irritated. It was no surprise that I did not get any sleep. How could I, after I saw those eyes of hers, shining with tears in the moonlight. After I saw her standing near the roses that I had myself plated for her two years ago?

Seeing her eyes, her beautiful face, her soft trembling lips, I almost want to forgive and run back to her. But I will not let my heart win this time. The last time I poured my heart out to her, she left without a response. This time, I will guard my heart and only listen to my heart. No matter how much this heart hurts on hurting her, I will not give in to my feelings.

A Yuvraaj is not supposed to be dictated by his heart. It is in everyone's best interest for me to listen only to my head and do what is logical and practical. I don't have time for love, not anymore.

After getting freshened up, I check the time and move to the dining area. It is the weekend and time for our customary family breakfast. Even though I don't exactly enjoy it, I go for the sake of Anvi.

As soon as I reach the dining hall, a small body runs up to me and into my arms, her cute giggles and laughter getting muffled against my clothes.

"Good morning, Bhai-Sa." Anvi says, looking at me with her big round sparkly eyes.

Sometimes I feel like she is the only good thing that happened as a result of my father's second marriage. Without her, I would not even feel like calling this a family.

"Good morning, princess." I tell her. She grabs onto my hand and guides me to the huge dining table where Ishaan and his parents are already sitting.

My best friend greets me with only raised eyebrows and continues listening to whatever it is that is playing on his headphones. Any minute now, Kaki-Sa would scold him for proper manners at the dining table.

"Good morning, Kaki-Sa. Kaka-Sa." I greet them as I sit down and Avni reaches over to sit down on the seat beside me.

"Bhai-Sa?" Avni asks tapping on my hand.


"Where is that lady who ate with us yesterday? Did she go back?" Avni asks innocently and I nod, not wanting to discuss much about the matter. I am sure Trisha and her parents must have left by now. And even if Rani-Sa somehow convinced them to stay, they must be too angry after the humiliation to come eat breakfast with us.

"I hope she left." Avni says to herself, pouting and crossing her arms. "She told me that I talk too much and that I am a bad girl."

"That is not a good thing to say about our guests, Avni." Kaka-Sa gently corrected her.

"My daughter is the princess of Suryagarh and you will address her as such." Rani-Sa's voice booms in. Even this early in the morning, her temper remains the same. She takes her seat, my father's seat and Kaka-Sa has no option but to bow in apology.

I feel furious at her behavior. Kaka-Sa is Avni's uncle and he is not supposed to call her by her name? Should a little girl be referred to as Yuvraani by her own family members? She barely even knows the meaning of that word.

"After all, you were not able to teach the the Yuvraaj enough etiquettes of his position in my absence. But now that I am here, at least let me teach my daughter. When she knows what she is, only then will she be able to command respect for her position."

Beside me, Avni puts two entire strawberries inside her mouth and chews on them loudly. I cannot help but look at her bittersweetly, because this innocence of hers is what I adore the most but the Rani-Sa keeps on trying to mature her before her age.

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