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I sit on the edge of the bed, still mulling over the unexpected encounter with Dhruv. His presence had stirred up a mix of emotions within me, and as much as I was happy to see an old friend here, I couldn't shake off the feeling of discomfort. As much as I tried to convince myself that he was just an old friend, a part of me couldn't help but feel guilty about not telling Hruday about him and the reason why I did not want him at our wedding. That was for both the Royal Family and Dhruv's sake.

I glance around the room, feeling the weight of the silence pressing down on me. It's strange how a place can feel so empty even when you're not alone. The anticipation of the evening party adds to my restlessness, but I can't seem to gather my thoughts enough to focus on getting ready.

I decide to distract myself by unpacking my bag, neatly arranging my clothes in the wardrobe. As I reach for a dress, memories of the engagement party flood my mind. The way Hruday had looked at me, the way his touch sent shivers down my spine... I push the thoughts away, reminding myself that our relationship is more complicated than it seems.

I get into the bathroom and prepare a bath, hoping that the warm water would ease some of my feelings that were caused by Hruday's sudden coldness.

When I get out of the bath, it is already time to get ready. I put on some cheerful music on my phone to lighten my mood. After a long internal debate, I pick a saree from the wardrobe, placing it against my body. I stand in front of the mirror to see if it looked good. The saree was a sheer pink one, the soft pink tone and small beads of glitter work over it made it look simple and beautiful. The border was a mix of golden and white that matched with the V-neck blouse, which was heavy in detailing to complement the simple yet elegant saree. I had made my decision.

I stepped into the dressing room and starting to drape the saree. I just hoped that tonight, would end without the two of us getting into a fight.

 I just hoped that tonight, would end without the two of us getting into a fight

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I enter the large ballroom, fixing the cufflinks to my shirt. The room was filled with people and their voices exchanging pleasantries with each other. What I liked the most however, was the fact that there were no cameras around. Soft music was playing in the background, unlike the ones that end up hurting your ears and the lighting slowly shifted to match the mood of the music. In the center, a few couples danced, holding each other close. An envy I didn't know I had arisen in me upon seeing them.

On one side of the exceptionally large ballroom, was the buffet for foods and drinks. Large trays filled with exotic foods and shimmering towers of white glasses near the bar where drinks were being served. I swept my gaze around the faces; it had almost become a habit. A Yuvraaj was not allowed to look nervous. But he was also not allowed to openly approach everyone, he should be the one being approached. And soon enough, the approaching had begun.

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