A Breakfast Bond (1)

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Mix woke up to find the house unusually quiet, and as he made his way to the kitchen, he noticed a note left on the table by his mother. Reading it quickly, he learned that his sister had already left for school, and his father was feeling unwell again, prompting his mother to take him to see the doctor. The note instructed Mix to prepare breakfast for himself and for Earth.

With a sigh, Mix set about preparing breakfast in the kitchen, feeling a sense of responsibility settle over him. He knew he had to do his part to help out while his father was unwell, even if it meant taking on extra tasks.

As he worked, the sound of clattering utensils and sizzling food filled the air, signaling his activity to anyone who might still be asleep in the house.

Meanwhile, Earth stirred from his slumber, the noise from the kitchen rousing him from his sleep. Rubbing his eyes, he stretched languidly before getting out of bed and making his way to the kitchen to investigate the source of the commotion.

Walking through the hallway, Earth followed the enticing aroma that wafted from the kitchen. 

The scent grew stronger with each step, drawing him closer to the source of the commotion.

Upon reaching the kitchen, Earth's smile widened as he observed Mix bustling about, completely engrossed in preparing breakfast. He couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Mix's dedication and willingness to take on the responsibility.

Earth watched, Mix opened the cabinet above his head, standing on tiptoe as he reached for a plate. Earth noticed Mix's careful movements, his brow furrowing slightly with concern as he watched Mix stretch to grab the plate.

As Mix struggled to reach the plates, Earth quietly approached from behind. With a gentle hand, Earth reached over Mix's shoulder and effortlessly retrieved the plates from the cabinet.

Mix's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he realized Earth had come to his aid once again. He offered a sheepish smile, feeling grateful for Earth's help.

"Thank you, sir," Mix murmured softly, his voice tinged with appreciation.

Earth simply nodded in response, his expression warm and understanding. "There you go," he said gently, placing the plates on the counter beside Mix.

Mix's heart skipped a beat at Earth's reassuring tone, his cheeks still tinged with pink as he turned to face him.

Earth noticed Mix's faint blushes, he couldn't help but chuckle softly to himself, finding Mix's reaction endearing. "How cute," he thought, a playful glint in his eyes.

Deciding to tease Mix once again, Earth took slow, deliberate steps closer to him, closing the distance between them. Mix, feeling a flutter of nerves, began to back away until he felt the cool surface of the kitchen counter against his back.

With Earth now leaning in closer, their faces mere inches apart, Mix could feel his cheeks burning under Earth's intense gaze. His heart raced with anticipation as he stammered, "S...sir... y..you're too cl...close."

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