Colt's Misery

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Colt was the son of a rival mob boss daring to step foot in Black Cross territory... yes, he was used to watching heads turn, but that didn't mean his heart didn't pound in his chest and his hands didn't shake every time someone pointed their glare his way. He kept his head down, grimacing as he walked, a slight limp in each step. When he made it to the west wing where the soldiers were stationed he didn't look up, too afraid to see what past friend or foe would greet him. It seemed today it was the latter. There was a whistle, then a chorus of bellows that made Colt's stomach clench as a wave of raucous jokes and catcalls followed suit. But that didn't mean he enjoyed the attention.
"Boss! Your puta is here!" Someone shouted, making Colt shrink in on himself a little more. It was a strange little habit he had developed recently, a reprehensible routine that had him making himself look smaller at any given opportunity, ever since–
"Colt, sweetheart, what are you doing here?" That voice, that honeyed tone that had Colt's throat tightening and his palms sweating... his husband, the devil who walked the city streets in blood. The man who ran the biggest crime syndicate in Mayland. His father's former best friend and business partner. Who betrayed him for money, after of course the marriage was filled meaning Colt could never go home again. The man who had taken everything from him and yet still demanded more.

Kying Crow Black...

Colt looked up in answer, his cheeks flushing an uncomfortable pink as he forced on a strained smile.

"I... I missed you, I wanted to see you. You told me to come." He replied, trying not to choke on the false words. Kyng's face split into a smile as he glanced at the other surrounding men smugly, before then stepping forward, his arms winding around Colt's narrow waist and pulling him close. Colt swallowed a gasp, trying not to flinch at the contact.
"I missed you too." Kyng grinned, a knowing smile that had Colt smothering a reflective cringe. That damn pet-name-- it made him want to shrivel up and disappear every time he heard it. That was probably why Kyng enjoyed saying it so much. Colt curled into himself a little more as he heard a telling jeer from the crowd and Kyng pulled him closer in answer, the sudden brush of his hardening cock making Colt suck in a quiet gasp. Kyng finally pulled back, yanking Colt to his side.
"Alright, guys, settle down. I'm just going to take Colt here for some lunch. I'll be back in an hour so don't burn the place down without me." Someone whistled whilst a few others chuckled, but they didn't give them any more trouble than that.

His father had made a mistake, had cost himself an ally and created instead his own greatest enemy. His greed made him fall and Colt was left vulnerable.

Kyng's men were mostly used to seeing them both together, and the shock of seeing the city's most fearsome Mob Boss, Kyng Black married to the enemies son had slowly worn off over time. Colt was sure Gabriel could get away with almost anything if he really wanted to... They all accepted it, even as they laughed, even as they snickered to themselves... they accepted it now. Well, almost all of them--

"Hola, puta!" Rico's voice registered before Colt saw him, His scowling face came into view seconds before his shoulder connected with Colt and toppled him over, his smaller frame easily knocked down by the shove and landing him hard on his ass. He cried out as he hit the floor, eyes watering instantly as a shock of pain vibrated up his spine. Colt held back a whimper and screwed his eyes shut, trying to block out the heated exchange going on above him.

"--you don't touch him? Do it again and I'll have your head." Kyng snapped, even though on the outside looking inside they looked happy and loving, Kyng secretly tortured Colt in the worst ways. Colt sucked in another groan as he tried to focus on what they were saying, only catching half of it.
"It's not my fault the puta's made of glass, I hardly touched him." Rico complained, grumbling under his breath as Kyng gave him an earful. Colt couldn't recognize what they were saying, his body was too sensitive to process. Rico might have been Kyng's right hand man, but he hated Colt and did everything to make his life a living hell. He was the one who had given Kyng the first heads up that his father was going to cross him in the first place, handing him over on a silver platter. Kyng despised him, despised any form of disloyalty-- even if it was to his benefit. After a few more heated words, Kyng finally helped Colt up, pulling him protectively to his side again as he walked him out. Colt let him guide him along, trying not to focus on the hand slowly traveling south. When Colt finally looked up, he realized with a start that they were entering the bathroom.

"Kyng--" The rest of his complaint was drowned out by his own gasp as Kyng's hand came down hard against his ass, causing Colt to stumble forward over the bathroom sink.
"What do you call me when we're alone, Colt?" Colt's face went pale and he shuddered at the tone in Kyng's voice.

"I'm sorry, please, I-- Daddy." Another slap fell sharply on Colt's ass, but this one didn't have the heat of the other, it was more playful than punishment and Colt almost relaxed at the feel of it. Oh, god, he was so fucked up.

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