Untitled Part 9

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Colt did everything in his power to run from Kyng, and at times he thought he'd been caught. The letter from his sister tipping him off that Kyng was getting close a few months earlier had him running from country to country. With him being nearly due it's getting harder to run and hide. Gasping for breath in a restaurant bathroom, it was the worst time to go into labor, but the baby wanted out and now. His last appointment the doctor said he had six weeks to go, that was eight weeks ago.

"Please, not now... Ugh..." Colt gasped and huffed there was no stopping it now contraction after contraction. A man ran into the bathroom after hearing a swallow scream.

"Holy shit... Beth call the EMTs. Labor Omega." the man yelled as he rushed to his side.

"Ok, I'm only checking." He sides, putting Colts pants off.

"SHIT!" the eyes balled Colt chuckled and screamed at another contraction.

"First time..." Colt whimpered.

"Yup, ok. Full head of hair," the smiled, pushing Colt's knees further apart.

"What color?"

"What?" the man looked at him confused,

"What color hair?" Colt grunted with his eyes closed.

"Um... blonde. Ok another push and he should be out."

"Medics are out here." Colt held onto the man and grunted to another push the baby sliding out and whaling. Colt cried seeing the blonde hair bundall. The man side back holding the baby in his arms smiling, while looking at Colt.

"You did good, Colt Black." Clot's blood ran cold. The man smiled and whistled. Gasping for breath trying to stand Kyng walked into the bathroom with a death stare.

"Stay down." he snapped, Colt immediately lowered himself to the floor.

"You see I just left the place, Kit here wanted to stay back with his wife for a day. And then this, a great day for us both, I got my child and he got to witness what's going to happen in three months. So tell me," Kyng knelt down to eye level with Colt.

"Why did you run?" Colt looked to the ground and whimpered. Kyng grabbed him by the hair, forcing him to look him in the eyes.


"You'll kill me, rather I tell you or not." Colt snapped. Kyng nodded his head standing.

"Pack up, let's go home." Colt fought against Rico and Beth as they lifted him to the grungy.

"Please just let me go, you got your baby let me go." Kyng grabbed him by the throat.

"You don't get it, I OWN YOU!" with a punch to the cheek Colt passed out. Kyng walked over to look at the baby.

"A boy, an Omega boy sir." Kit whispered, holding the baby close wrapped in towels.

"So Colt will need to give me another. I want an Alpha to take my place. But he is beautiful." Kyng kissed the baby's forehead before allowing Kit to take him to the hospital to be checked over. 

Two days later, Colt laid in the hospital staring out the window to the sky. He has a guard watching his every move, if he sneezes Kyng knows about it. Kyng hasn't actually seen him since the dinner, it's a blessing and curse the indented doom approaching him. He can only pray that the baby will be raised safely.

"Colt Black, sit up," Someone snapped and when Colt turned to see it was his father standing there glaring with his arms crossed.

"Dad, please take me home, I want to go home, Kyng has his baby please..." Colt sat up wincing at the stitches.

"The baby is an omega, Kyng wants an alpha." Colt's eyes widened in horror. Shaking his head.

"No, No... I'm not having another baby, no," his father looked away. Colt tried to get out of the bed but the guard pushed him back.

"When... how long until I have to try again?" Colt whimpered knowing there was nothing he could do.

"Ten weeks." he said then left the room. Colt sat on the bed, with his head in his hands, he'll barely be healed by then.

"I take it your father told you," Kyng spoke casually as he walked into the room.

"Our baby is beautiful, he's got your hair with my eyes, oh he'll be a lady killer when he gets older." Kyng sat on the bed at Colt's feet. Smiling holding up the photo for Colt to see.

"I want to hold him."

"Nope! You kept him from me for 8 months, now you won't see him for 8 months. How does it feel to know you won't see your son until you are ready to give birth to our second child. You're lucky I gave you a picture." with a heavy slap to the face Kyng left the room. 

The next morning Colt woke to the stale damp air of a barn, basement or cottage. There were bars on the windows and the door was locked from the outside, an open in the bottom just big enough to pass a book or a tray through. Some time later, the door swung open and Kyng walked in with Dragon and Rico. Colt noticed that both Rico. he's once I hate you attitude looked like pity and fear. Dragon looked like he was going to die if he moved an inch, shaking as they stood at the door with their backs turned. Kyng's hand raised high in the air came down with a head turning punch Colt stumbled back, stars danced in the eyes, before Colt came to his senses another punch to the other side came down. Bleeding from the nose and mouth Colt coughed as Kyng delivered blow after blow, kick after kick. Colt didn't know how long Kyng had beaten him for but it left him with four broken ribs, his eyes swallowed shut, a broken jaw, a fractured arm. The doctor said it'll take close to two months to fully heal. Colt had to eat from a straw and needed a urinal to use the bathroom he could more without severe pain thrown his body. Pain of labor wasn't this bad. Colt thought. 

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