Untitled Part 8

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Dragon pov.

I stood in the background watching for months, Kyng's obsession with finding Colt had become dangerous if he found him now he'd kill him. Rico's plan to keep him distracted from Colt failed within two days. Kyng's last three trades failed when they got word that he was off the rails. Yesterday he paid a visit to Colt's father, he had no idea Colt had ran away.

"He did What?" Colt's father snapped standing from his seat furious, but Kyng didn't tell him about how he had been beating and raping Colt for the last three years, Kyng's making it sound as if they were a loving dovey. I click my tongue at the exchange of words, Colt would be dead if I didn't do it. There's no way Kyng would stop hitting him even if he was pregnant. I walked around the sitting room seeing many pictures of the family, his sister and mother, but sadly there were only four photos of him and in one photo he was damn near naked. Why would his father have this kind of photo in his study... I spun around when the room grew too quiet. As I turned I came face to face with Kyng.

"Where the fuck is my husband?" He jerked me by the collar of my shirt. How did he figure it out?

"I don't know, I told you, he knocked me out and we crashed into a divider."

"Colt is bright, but he's not smart, he had help." His father said, Kyng gut checked me, my sight went blurry. I dropped to the floor gasping for air.

"I don't know what you're talking about, that's what happened I have no idea where he is." this time I got kicked in the head. Fuck that hurt seeing stars for sure.

"You have one chance to tell me the truth before I remove your fingers and toes slowly until you do." Kyng growled,

"Why do you want him so bad? There are so many omegas in this world. Why him? You've nearly killed him three times, raped him everyday, Hell, your honeymoon that should've been sweet and loving you broke two of his ribs, busted his mouth, gave a black eye." I coughed, if this is the end I want his father to know every time, but to my surprise his father did nothing but stand there as if he already knew and Kyng laughed.

"Did you think his father didn't know? I sent him daily videos of us. Just a nice present for his cooperation." Kyng laughed, giving me another heavy hit to the gut.

"I'm not telling you," I spit at him. I'll take it to my grave.

"You know my husband is five months pregnant with my son and you are hiding me from seeing them, Why?" I glared. He stepped on my broken hand with a swift move he cut off my pinky and ring fingers.

"Tell me where my son is." He screamed then Colt's sister ran into the room.

"Geisabell," Colt's father yelled, her eyes fell to me and then she pushed Kyng to the side.

"What is wrong with you, why would you do this to a good man." She snapped a wrapping piece of her skirt around my hand.

"You allowed this man to do all that to my brother, I wouldn't tell you where he was either. You're a monster." Geisabell barked. Kyng leaned down nose to nose with her smiling, "Then you can take his place," I jumped in front of her. I'm sorry Colt...

"He's in China, I don't know where." I snapped, I couldn't save him from the torture, but I need to save his sister at least. I just hope Kyng doesn't try to kill him while he's pregnant. I saw the gun and closed my eyes, I love you Colt. 

But nothing happened, a hand on my cheek made me open my eyes, Geisabell smiled weakly with tears in her eyes.

"I made the deal with the devil," I didn't even hear anyone talking, what deal?

"Your life for the location of Colt's dr." I gasped No!

"Please, I'll die before I give it up," I snapped standing from the floor while Geisabell held on to me.

"Too late," Geisabell said, handing the address to Kyng who kissed her on the forehead before leaving.

"Why did you do that? Why?" I grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her.

"Colt needs to run now..." She whispered with glass filled eyes. But I have no way of contacting him. She walked me to the car and drove me to the hospital. I lost two fingers on my right hand, well shooting a gun won't be the same. That was the worst of my injuries. Geisabell eerily stood with me.

"Why did you do it?" I asked when the nurse left the room.

"I know you love him, but it's not worth dying, Colt made his choice by leaving, Kyng made be a hard person to please or understand, but it's not worth all the trouble. Kyng threatened to kill my father just to marry Colt. What do you think he would do if he knew we've known where he's been this whole time." She got closer to my ear saying "He won't find him there. You own me!" I turned my face to her eyes, seeing just evil in them. What kind of family was Colt born too?

"My father is trying to convict Rico to marry me, but I want you instead. You're the peacekeeper, not much of peace keeping though." She smiled walking to the otherside of the room.

"It's either marry me and be semi close to Colt or be dead and not be able to save him from Kyng rath." Sadly she had a point, but Kyng is never going to let me around Colt again.  "Fine," I snapped, taking my coat and leaving her standing there. This is going to come back and bite me in the ass for sure. I spot Rico standing at the nurses station, looking around, Kyng's never far from Rico.

"He's not here, I came for personal care," tippy my head to the side Rico was always very mucho, he seems odd today.

"What's wrong?" He shook his head and cleared his throat.

"What happened to you?" I gestured to my hand, Geisabell wrapped her arm around mine. "That's my fault I told my dad I wanted to marry a Kyng soldier and he didn't like that." she said, smiling wicked.

"You're Colt's sister right, I'm Rico, Kyng's second in command."

"You mean his fuckboy," Rico's face fell quickly and I blocked her from getting hit, taking the hit to the cheek.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I snapped looking at her. 

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