"Justin where are we??" I said as The wood branches scraped the car . "where we are suppose to be why??"he said "because It just doesn't seem right " I said as the sunlight started to disappeared "hazel you love me right??"Justin said randomly "of course Justin" I said "then forgive me baby" he said stopping the car and climbing on top of me . "I can't " I said . He still thinks I will forgive him his funny "you don't have a choice" he said as he sucked on my weak spot "no!! get off of me Justin!!" I said as I pushed him but he was stronger than me . "don't upset me !!" He yelled in my face . "stop!!" I said . I felt my throat swell up and tears threatened to fall . Justin was my love I can't hurt him . "shut up!! Damn it Hazel " he said as he slapped me . I grabbed my cheek in pain . Did Justin just slap me?? ."That's it Justin you have made a bad mistake mister " I said as I shoved his body weight against the car board. Justin's face showed pain "awh" he said as I unbuckled my self . I grabbed the door handle and exited the car . "you fucking bitch come here" he said chasing me . My heart pounded hard I could never out run Justin . All I heard was crunching of the wood . Next thing I knew was that my face was bleeding . I tried getting up but Justin had finally reached me . "you thought you could get away" he said while his eye brows pulled together . "Just please leave me alone" I said as I was getting blood every where. "o sweetie I don't think so" he said as he pulled me by the hair . I screamed as I clawed into his skin . "stop it Hazel" he said as he threw me in the trunk . "be prepared to die slut " he said as he shut the trunk door .
End of dream ~
"Hazel . Hazel wake up" Justin said as he shook me lightly while still driving . I immediately start panicking "don't touch me!" I said while swatting his hand "I .. I am sorry" he said . I sighed "it's not you it's just me " I said while putting my head on the passenger's seat "what happened ?? I mean you kept on screaming and saying my name??" he said "just a bad dream" I said while staring at Justin drive . When will I get have Justin I said to my brain and heart . I want to have Justin . He is like my drug and I can't live a second with out him we aren't holding you back my brain and heart said to me in unison . "Tell him how you feel sweetie" my mother said . I coughed and started speaking "Justin can you . Would you? um .." I said but then stopped . It was ridiculous even attempting to fix it . "tell me ??" he begged "never mind" I said . I stopped but felt my self start to get nervous just like the first time I saw Justin. Stop!! Hazel forgive him my heart said to me but continued after all you do still love him . I look at Justin and notice his face was depressed .
Justin P.O.V
--flash back
her beautiful body lied still ,sleeping . Seeing her made my heart ache . I started to get mad so I hit the steering wheel "stupid Selena " I yelled . Why did Selena have to be part of the gang and worst we did she split Hazel and I .Ding ding ding
The gas tank was almost empty . I looked at the G.P.S and saw no green dot so I turned into the gas station . Bright lights shined on the car . I puffed out air .Turning my head .Hazel was peacefully sleeping . I went near her and held her in my arms . A smiled appeared on her face . "I love you Hazel " I said while kissing her head "I love you to Justin" she sleep talked .
End of Justin's flashback ~