I laughed as Justin tickled me on the bed "stop!"I pleaded while swatting his hand off Justin just smiled and continued "I will stop if you just kiss me!" He to me "fine! Just stop"I said while grabbing on his hand .Justin finally stopped and brought me to him.I got up on my knees on the bed And lifted his chin so he was looking up at me .I started to lean down we were so close that his lips were tickling me I smiled and quickly kissed his check instead and as I did I quickly ran from him "Hazel!"he said chasing me around the safe house.
My laugh boomed through the large house. I slid into a closet and stayed there "Hazel!"he yelled continuously. Everything was fine until it was quite. I kind of started to worry . "HAZEL HELP!"Justin yelled. I immediately ran out .they came already! Was all that I thought about as I ran to the bed room. Justin was smiling "I found you!"he said with a smile on his face "Justin! I thought you were really hurt!"I said smacking his arm but Justin stopped me "I am sorry!"he said chuckling .I placed my hands around his torso and slowly wrapped my hands around him "you still owe me a kiss"he said "ugh fine"I said while standing on my tippy toes and planting a kiss on his lips "I love you"he said as we backed away "I love you too"I said .
1 hour later
The rain poured down so Justin and I decided to watch tv . We skimmed through tv shows and decided to watch "once upon a time".
We were half way through the show before the tv disconnected into gray fuzziness then a face with a mask started to appear. I gripped tight on to Justin and as Justin saw me like this he secured his arms around me "no more playing around kids! It time to fight! And remember no weapons!"he said then the tv returned to once upon a time. "Want to get our jumpers?" Justin questioned