"Justin I am ready !!" I yelled as I walked down the stairs. Justin sat patiently on the couch with his phone in his hands. "Already then let's go beau " Justin said to me.
"Woah when did you start talking french !?! "I asked Justin "babe don't be surprised I literally travel the world"
I chuckled at his response.
"I am going to get sun screen I will be right back, but you go." Justin said. "ok, but don't take that long" I said .
I walked outside and set down my towel on a lawn chair, and started taking off my shirt, and shorts and placing it in the same place as my towel. "Hazel!! " Justin yelled charging towards me He lifted me off my feet, and ran towards the pool .
"Justin!!!" I yelled as I gripped on to Justin. The cold water collided with my hot skin making me gasp . "Justin you're, so mean !! " I said while I chuckled.
"But you still like me " he said.
"JUSTIN !!! " Some one yelled as they jumped into the pool causing all the water to land on Justin and I. "CHAZZ MAN !!! "Justin yelled as he let his grip go of me.
The water filled my mouth, and I accidentally swallowed it. I quickly swam to the top to catch my breath and as I did so I started to hack up my lungs. "Hazel! are you ok ?? "Justin asked. I finally was getting back to normal allowing me to answer "yeah I think " "Sorry for uh letting you go I was just excited to see Chaz "he said
"No it's totally fine " I said
"Any ways hazel this is my friend Chaz" Justin said introducing his friend . "hey nice to meet you Chaz " I said while sticking my hand out to greet him.
"Hey Hazel !!, and I know your name because Justin always mentions you even if we're talking about unicorns" Chaz said . My cheeks flushed with red .
"Well now you know how crazy I am for you" Justin said which was the cutest thing I ever heard .--------50 minutes later
"Who wants to go to Wendy's" I shouted tiredly .
"ME !!!" the boys shouted in unison.
We all crawled out of the pool and went and got our towels to dry off with.
"Let's go !!!" Justin shouted as we all were finally dressed in normal clothing. We all charged out the door and drove to Wendy's .-skip wendy's -
"Bye Chaz " Justin and I shouted as Chaz entered his house .
"Now it time for us to go to the house mon chérie " Justin said as he rested his hand on my thigh, and then left to the house