So I got in trouble by the maid yesterday for the mess I made with Justin, and of course we had to pick it up , but at least she didn't see me kiss Justin. Thank goodness because I would be in trouble with my dad, Like I am talking 60 years without talking to the outside world .
________justin pov _________
I felt bad because hazel got in trouble by the maid yesterday, so she had to clean the mess, but don't worry I helped her. When Hazel kissed me yesterday I wondered what we were evolving too. She makes me feel I am the only one in her world, and I love the attention. she is like my nicotine, and I cant stand a few minuets without her. I may have meet her few days ago, but that is how much she has took in affect on me, and I am hoping that I will be her nicotine to. Anyways The heat in Georgia has been killing me all day I guess that is why they make a swimming pool maybe I can put that in use now.
"HAZEL" I yelled, I was going to invite her swimming because I saw her take like 6 fans in her room. My door swung opened hitting the wall harshly "woah there cutie no need to be violent" I said to her. she cute fully rolled her eyes, but I could tell she was hiding her red cheeks. "Sorry baby, so what does my prince want" her beautiful angelic voice ringed in my ears. I could tell she was trying to play a sweet talk game with me, but don't worry I like playing games to . "Come here love " I said. her cheeks were redder than a tomato she slightly covered them with her skinny hands . "Hazel don't hide it baby it's cute when you blush" I said to her . "So what did you want anyways Justin other than to make me blush?" She asked . "since It's a hot day and you kinda took 6 fans in your room I was wondering if you wanted to go swimming with me?" I said to her. "Um ... yea, but this time can we not get in trouble with the maid" She said"Pinky promise "