Recommended song for chapters 17 ,18,19 ,and 20 :thinking out loud by ed sheeran
Hazel's p.o.v _____
Big muscular arms wrapped around my waist, and I curiously turned my body to see who ever it was.
He was cute, but He look tired he had bags under his eyes. I poked him in his stomach, so I could wake him up.
He flinched a little , and then said "Hazel babe stop poking me "I didn't even know what he was talking about I am not his babe!!. I don't even know this kid?!?, but I knew one thing he knows me because he knows my name, but who was he ?
"Excuse me um... would you mind telling me your name " I ask .
" Hazel I am your ... " He stop in the middle of his sentence and leaned closer to me .
" I am your husband Justin" he finish
What?!? how could I have a husband,and a cute one.
"What !!! you're my husband ? " I questioned
The cutest smile spread across his face . " Yea remember two nights ago " he said . I covered my mouth and gasped " don't tell me we ...... wait ? am I pregnant!!! " I asked . "Yea that is why we're here to get a sonogram taken" he said to me as he sat up. "No .. NO this can't be I made sure we used protection" I said to Justin while getting up and standing in between his legs
He laughed cutely. "well I guess you weren't that careful " he said and lazily wrapped his arms around my waist "shut up What about your part your the man you are the one who should've brought a condom " I said
"Sorry babe I was careless, but next time I promise I will bring the condom "Justin said while placing me on his lap. His touch felt familiar, but it didn't connect in my mind who he was yet.
"Justin babe " I said
"Yea" he said while looking at my eyes.
"My stomach is starting to burn " I said while leaning my head on his chestHis eyes looked sad . Okay !!! I really got to remember him because it looks like he cares for me a lot .
"Okay let me go get the medicine " Justin said then kissed my templesHe scooted me to the bed then got up to go to the cabinets.
"Justin I know You aren't my husband" I said loudly, so he could hear me as he raided the cabinets"Hum .... why do you say that ?" he asked
"Well first I don't have a ring on second you don't have a ring on" I said explaining me answer .
"Well um ... fine !! we aren't married , but I am your boyfriend " he said .
It made more sense to me , but it still was sad that I couldn't remember who he was nor what we did together.
"Are you Being 100% honest to me Justin" I asked
"Well .... 99% because that 1% is you being my wife " he said
As I laughed at his joke my stomach burned .
"Maybe that 1% would be real if you gave me a ring and bent down on your knees " I said
" WOAH there ... first the floor is dirty second I am waiting for a perfect time to marry you " he said
Now I know why I would like this kid second that is the sweetest thing I have ever heard .
"Aww, but seriously when are you going to help me with my stomach" I said as the pain stretched through my body.
"Sorry " he said
He walked near me and grab a tube near my face a injected the medicine that was in the shot
He stared deeply in my eyes as I stared into his hazel eyes .
His hand went slowly to face and cupped side of my face . The gap grew smaller and smaller as we both leaned in. His soft lips met mine .all of my memories filled my brain as we kissed .