"Hazel"I heard some one whisper my name. Justin and I have been here for about 4 months now and the gang has treated us amazing. I flipped around and saw Justin in my face "what?!"I said lowly "we're leaving"he said while helping me down "okay?"I slipped out .I was weirded out on why he wanted to leave now but I just went with it . My heart pounded as I passed people. "Where are you going?!"a girl's voice spoke up .the same voice that sounded familiar to me. "Selena were leaving!"Justin said which left me in shock Selena?. "Justy you can't leave me"Selena voiced "yeah! Watch me"he said while speed walking towards a door "they're leaving!"She announced waking every body up.I feared on what will happen now.I gripped onto Justin's hand not wanting him to leave me. "Run in 1..2..3"Justin whispered then pulled me through a door.Selena faced showed anger so she waved her hands in the air signaling to go get us.I looked back as we were now corned and saw people charge at us . "Jump!"I said. My feet were caught by the wall I ran up it then flipped off .my hair waved in the air as I passed tons of people and as did Justin .I landed on my feet and ran towards Justin and dragged him along with me.We ran until we entered a room.We heard the floor boards shake until it was gone "mmm"I heard .I looked back and saw two people tied I slid towards them and saw my parents clearly."hold on"I spoke and searched the room with something to break the ropes and as I cut the rope we were all reunited now to get the hell out of here