I swallowed the lump in my throat and blinked in order to stop myself from crying. "mom?!"I said . It didn't make sense how any of this was happening. After a few seconds Justin came in with a wide smile untIl he saw scooter and a woman together. "Justin" I said weakly. Justin immediately went towards my side and embraced me "it's going to be okay Hazel" Justin reassured me. I wiped my tears and leaned into Justin's ear "that is my real mom" I told him. He froze but then he quickly unfroze. "I thought she was" "Dead" I finished off.
Justin gently pecked my lips and then whispered "come on lets get you some answers" he said then walked towards my mom. "hi I am Justin your daughter's boyfriend soon to be husband" He said making her chuckle "and I am her mother, gina" she said while smiling. Justin scooted me closer to my mom. "hi"I said looking down. I felt her thumb lift my face "Hazel?! I know I left you without answers but I am here to fix it"she said "yeah it wasn't pretty bad that you faked your death and left me " I said starting to get mad "I am sorry"My mom said. Right now I just needed time before I say some thing I shouldn't.
I puffed out air and said calmly "I just need time to think about all of this" "Yeah okay um... your room is to the left down the hallway"my dad announced. "thank you and Justin you can come if you want" I said then left to the room.
Walking in the room were some pajamas and 6 pairs of clothes for Justin and I. I sighed and tied up my hair into a messy bun then started changing into shorts and a crop top. Once I was done I went out of the room deciding to finish what we started earlier .
Leaning on the walls I heard no one talk just the silent breeze. I stepped out seeing my mom cook. "where did dad and Justin go?" I questioned "oh they just went to go get more food" She said . I nodded my head and sat at the table "so about your baby do we know names yet" she asked "um... yeah eden for a girl and Jacob for a boy"I answered "beautiful well... I cant wait for the baby to be born" she said while stirring "yeah I can't wait either!!" I said "so... Where have you been and how have you been??" I asked wanting to know A little bit about my mom "well I have been living here actually and I have been great and you?" she said "I have been between dad's to Justin's to the hospital I am very unstable but I have been great after all" I said "why the hospital"she asked "oh well the gang has been not so nice to me. They always have cut me"I said
"Oh I am sorry"she said looking disappointed "it's okay you can't really control what they do" I said "but I could've protected you"she said "it's okay what happens in the past stays in the past I want to have you in my life mom and now that I do we should build a stronger relationship because I don't want to lose you again" I said wanting my mother back in my life after 8 years of not having her. "I totally agree"my mom said. "Great!! how can I assist you"I said happily "well you can make the cupcake"she said while taking out the cupcake stuff.