"Hazel!" Justin said while coming to me and hugging me from the back "hey! love" I said while trying to focus on the cupcake mix "can you help me?" I asked "yes ma'am"he said "can you mix this" I said while giving him the mixing bowl "why can't you do it?"He asked "because You have the muscles and plus I am pregnant" I said giving lame excuses in why not to mix the ingredients "okay" he said while taking it from me and mixing it real fast.
My dad and mom crept into the kitchen where we both were.
"Hey guys!!"They said in unison "hey"I said back to them . "do you guys mind if we take a walk" Scooter said "sure go ahead!"Justin said "okay take care kiddos" my mom said before exiting. "now that we are by ourselves what do you want to do?"He growled into my ear and pulling me to the wall.
Shivers went down my spine and I bit on my lip. "some thing dirty" I said winking. "naughty girl"Justin said . I laughed and got out of Justin's grip .As I reach the little living room I started putting on some sandals that I saw and gave another pair to Justin "where are we going?" he said
"To do something dirty"I said then waited until Justin came closer.I wanted to feel the first couple feeling again so I decided that Justin and I can go on a fun date.
"Alright let's go!"Justin said then intwined our hands and lead us outside. "where do you want to go?" Justin said "well I was thinking a lake"I said as I remembered that when we arrived their was a lake. Justin nodded his head and climbed the tree branches.After all the climbing we found the lake.
The beautiful pure blue lake brushed against rocks. "Wow it as beautiful as you"Justin said which cause me to blush. "I am really happy I found you" I said while laying my head on his shoulder. "so am I"he said then walked us backwards .
My feet touch the cool water making me flinch. Justin and I got deeper into the water until it reached my chest
"Hey!" I yelled making Justin turn I immediately splashed him causing him to gasp "Hazel!" he said as he went near me he put his hands in the water and with all his strength he splashed me. I got soaked but laughed "battle!!" I yelled then threw water towards Justin. Justin smiled and come closer to me . I turned away but I was to late to ran because Justin had snaked his arms my waist he pulled me down into the water. I held my breath and went down .He stared at me and I at him .we were face to face taking in our facial features like we never had. His hand slowly reached my cheek and Caressed it with his thumb
My stomach erupted with butterflies finally feeling the first couple feeling.
He pulled his head with mine and put our foreheads together then wrapped my legs around his hips and finally lifted us up from the water. Catching our breaths .We reached the top and still in the same position. "I love you hazel" was the last thing Justin said before closing the gap Between our lips
From his abs I slowly went up to neck and wrapped both of my hands around his neck.