Chapter 02

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As I was organizing my school locker, I heard a polite voice from behind say, "Excuse me." I froze for a moment, surprised by the unfamiliarity and politeness of the voice. Turning back, I met the gaze of a girl I didn't recognize.

Taking in her appearance, I noticed her hair tightly tied in a ponytail and the simple glasses she wore. She had no makeup on, and her skirt was below her knee.

The initial decency that every new student showed.

I asked, "May I help you?" The girl lowered her gaze and blinked three times before looking at me again. "I couldn't find the principal's office," she finally managed to say, her voice hesitant. I waited for some time for her to complete her statement but it never came.

"I'll take you there," I offered, sensing her discomfort and knowing she struggled to complete her words. Without waiting for a response, I started walking towards the principal's office, making sure she followed behind me.

Once we reached our destination, I encouraged her to go inside, assuring her that the principal was a nice man. I could tell she was a little scared, so I wanted to ease her nerves. She gave me a grateful smile before going in.

With a final nod, I left for my classroom, hoping she found what she needed.


Chemistry is the worst subject in this universe, I thought as I stared blankly at the textbook in front of me. Well, maybe the subject isn't bad; it's just me who lacks skills in it. I absentmindedly tapped my pen on the desk out of boredom, waiting for the inevitable torture of the lesson to begin.

Suddenly, our chemistry teacher, Mr. Wilson, entered the classroom, accompanied by a familiar face.

It was the new student I had guided to the principal's office earlier.

Mr. Wilson cleared his throat, trying to gain the attention of the students. "Good morning, class. We have a new student joining us," he announced, turning his gaze to the girl. "Could you please tell us a little bit about yourself?"

The girl shifted uncomfortably in her place, her nervousness palpable. She looked at the ground, blinking three times. A habit I guess she did whenever she got nervous.

Finally, she mustered the courage to speak. "Hello, everyone. I'm Grace Brown," she said quietly, her voice trembling slightly. After a brief pause, she looked at Mr. Wilson, silently pleading for him to let her go.

It seemed Mr. Wilson understood her unease, as he gently said, "Please find a seat, dear. We shall now start our class." With that, he turned towards the board and began writing the chapter name and date.

Grace scanned the classroom, and her eyes met mine. With a gentle smile, she made her way towards me and took the seat next to mine. She muttered a quiet "hey" to me, careful not to let the teacher overhear our conversation. I returned her smile and said, "hey" in response.

As Grace took out her chemistry book and notebook, she said, "I'm Grace. What about you?"

"I'm Eva," I replied, to which she just nodded.

Glancing at the board, I noticed that Mr. Wilson had started organic chemistry. I breathed a sigh of relief; organic chemistry was still better than physical chemistry according to me. As the class dragged on, we delved deeper into IUPAC nomenclature, and the minutes seemed to stretch on endlessly.

After what felt like an eternity of naming organic compounds, the bell mercifully rang, signaling the end of the class. "Finally!" I muttered under my breath, unable to contain my relief. Grace, sitting beside me, giggled softly.

"But before going, I am giving you fifteen more nomenclatures to practice at home," Mr. Wilson announced, his words causing me to groan inwardly. Just when I thought I was free, he had to assign more homework.

As Grace and I exited the classroom, I turned to her and asked, "What class do you have now?" Grace reached into her bag and pulled out her schedule. Gently she unfolded the paper and after some time she replied softly, "Physics."

"Well, I have zoology now," I said, noticing the nervous look that flickered across Grace's face. It dawned on me that she would be alone again in this new school, with our schedules now diverging. Wanting to ease her uneasiness, I offered reassurance. "We'll meet again at break. Don't worry," I said with a gentle smile.

As we walked side by side towards the physics room, I continued, "Besides, Ms. Anderson is a sweetheart. She won't let you feel uncomfortable." Hoping to boost her confidence, I gave her an encouraging smile and gently nudged her towards the physics class before heading off to my own zoology class.


As the final bell rang, signaling the end of zoology class, I felt a surge of excitement as I prepared to head to the cafeteria for recess. Exiting the classroom, I scanned the bustling hallway, searching for Grace amidst the sea of students.

Finally spotting her not far away, I waved enthusiastically, a grin spreading across my face as she made her way towards me. Grace arrived breathless, her cheeks flushed from the effort of navigating the crowded hallway.

"How was your physics class?" I inquired, offering her my water bottle to quench her thirst after her brisk walk.

"It was fun," Grace exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Ms. Anderson is amazing! Her explanations are so clear, and she's incredibly patient. I feel like I actually understand physics now!"

"I told you she's a sweetheart," I remarked with a playful wink, pleased to hear that Grace was enjoying her classes.

With a shared grin, I took hold of Grace's wrist, eager to continue our conversation over lunch as we made our way towards the cafeteria.

As Grace insisted on fetching lunch for both of us, I hesitated for a moment, touched by her gesture. It had been a long time since anyone had shown me such kindness, and I couldn't help but wonder if this was a sign from above—a chance to finally make a friend.

As Grace returned with two plates of noodles, a sense of warmth flooded my heart. I smiled gratefully as she set one plate in front of me, her cheerful voice breaking through my thoughts.

"I guess my first day in school is a lucky day!" Grace exclaimed, her grin infectious. "I was so nervous since yesterday night about today. I thought I would not be able to make any friends here, but look now—I already have a partner with whom I'm having noodles!"

Her words brought a genuine laugh bubbling up from within me. It felt surreal to be labeled as a friend by someone for the first time.

As we chatted and enjoyed our lunch, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Glancing across the cafeteria, I caught sight of Ethan, his gaze fixed on us with a mix of confusion and anger. I quickly looked away, not wanting to engage in any confrontation with my brother, especially when I was finally in a good mood.

But as I turned back to Grace, I noticed a change in Ethan's expression—a sinister smirk playing on his lips as he looked at her. My heart skipped a beat, and a sense of unease settled over me.

What the hell is he planning this time?

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