Chapter 03

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After lunch, I found myself walking alongside Grace towards her botany class, my mind preoccupied with thoughts of my brother's unsettling smirk. I couldn't shake the feeling that he was up to something, and it cast a shadow over my usual cheerfulness.

As Grace chattered happily beside me, I struggled to focus on her words, my thoughts drifting back to Ethan's expression. I felt a pang of guilt for not being more present for Grace, but I couldn't seem to shake the unease gnawing at me.

When we finally arrived at the botany class, Grace turned to me with a bright smile. "Okay, so we'll meet in English class," she said, her cheerful tone contrasting with my somber mood. I mustered a weak smile in response, unable to shake the heaviness weighing on my heart.

Grace seemed to notice my subdued demeanor and opened her mouth, perhaps intending to ask if I was okay. But before she could say anything, I turned away and left without a word, my mind consumed by worries about my brother's intentions.

Throughout the math class that followed, I found myself zoning out more often than not, my thoughts consumed by fears of Ethan ruining yet another friendship. Would his actions drive a wedge between me and Grace, just like they had with others in the past?

As the math class drew to a close, I made my way towards the English class, where I found Grace waiting for me. A small chuckle escaped me as I realized she had been waiting, even though she could have easily found a seat without me. Despite my worries, her unwavering friendship warmed my heart, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty.

I sat next to Grace in English class, but my mind wandered as the teacher delved into "The Canterville Ghost" by Oscar Wilde. Despite the fascinating story, my gaze drifted out the window, lost in thoughts beyond the classroom.

Suddenly, a gentle kick on my ankle from Grace brought me back. I turned to see her with a raised brow, silently urging me to pay attention to the board. I realized half of the board was already covered in the teacher's elegant cursive. With a sense of urgency, I scrambled to jot down notes in my notebook, but before I could finish, the teacher erased the board, leaving me frustrated and massaging my temples.

"Don't worry, you can borrow my notebook," Grace offered kindly, her concern evident in her eyes.

"Thanks," I replied softly, relieved for her support.

After what felt like an eternity, the class finally ended. Grace's worry resurfaced as we walked out together. "Are you okay, Eva?" she asked, her tone filled with concern.

"Yeah, I'm okay," I reassured her, forcing a smile.

Grace didn't push further, sensing my reluctance to delve into deeper conversation. As we reached the main gate, my attention was drawn to Nathaniel leaning against the Royal Blue car, whistling a tune I didn't recognize while scrolling through his phone.

"Okay, I have to go now, see you tomorrow!" I said to Grace, giving her a quick smile before heading towards Nathaniel.

Grace nodded understandingly, giving me a gentle smile before walking away.

Approaching the car, I couldn't help but notice the subtle tension in Nathaniel's movements. His usually composed demeanor seemed slightly off-kilter as he hastily pocketed his phone and opened the car door for me. Sliding into the passenger seat, I sank back against the cushion.

As Nathaniel took his place behind the wheel and ignited the engine, I couldn't ignore the palpable nervous energy radiating from him. His hands gripped the steering wheel a little too tightly.

With a furrowed brow, I watched him closely, sensing that something weighed heavily on his mind. It was as if he were wrestling with his thoughts, his movements jerky and uncertain.

Unable to bear the silence any longer, I mustered the courage to speak, my voice soft with concern. "Is there anything bothering you, Nathaniel?" I asked, my gaze searching his face for any hint of what might be troubling him.

Nathaniel's response was hesitant, his eyes flickering with indecision as he cleared his throat. It was clear that he was struggling to find the right words, his inner conflict written plainly across his features.

Finally, he spoke, his voice tinged with apprehension. "Mr. Williams is coming home today, miss." he said, his words hanging heavily in the air between us.

I felt a wave of dread wash over me, my heart skipping a beat at the mention of my father's impending return. It was as if the air had been sucked out of the car, leaving me gasping for breath in its suffocating grip. Trembling hands and shallow breaths betrayed my inner turmoil as I struggled to come to terms with the news.

Why didn't Alex inform me?

As we drove, I couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling that had settled over me like a dark cloud. My mind raced with questions, and I couldn't help but voice one of them aloud.

"Is Alex at home?" I asked Nathaniel. It didn't make sense to me that Alex hadn't informed me about father's arrival. Did he even know himself? But Nathaniel knew, so the fact that Alex was unaware seemed improbable.

Nathaniel nodded in response to my question. "Yes, miss. Sir just came home not long ago," he replied.

Alexander James Williams, the oldest among us siblings, was twelve years my senior. Despite our age gap, I still expected him to keep me informed about such matters. Moreover he never did this before. Known for his strict demeanor and commanding presence, Alex carried an aura of authority that instilled fear in everyone around him. His mere presence commanded respect and obedience, and I knew that confronting him would require both courage and tact.

I hummed in response, my gaze drifting out of the window as I mentally prepared myself for the confrontation that awaited me. I needed answers, and I was determined to demand an explanation from Alex as soon as possible.


As soon as we arrived home, I wasted no time in seeking out my eldest brother, Alex. Racing through the halls, I finally reached his room and hesitantly knocked on the door, but there was no response. I carefully pushed the door open and peered inside, only to find the room empty.

Just then, a passing maid caught my attention, and I quickly stopped her. "Do you know where Alex is?" I asked, my voice tinged with urgency.

The maid paused for a moment before responding, "Miss, I think sir is in his study room."

I nodded gratefully, murmuring a small "thank you," before hurrying off towards the secluded part of the mansion where Alex's study room was located.

As I stood outside Alex's study room, uncertainty gnawed at me. I couldn't get rid of the nervous feeling, wondering what mood Alex was in and whether it was wise to approach him with my questions. But time was slipping away, and I couldn't afford to hesitate any longer. It was now or never.

Summoning my courage, I took a deep breath and reached for the doorknob. With a firm grip, I pushed open the door and stepped into the room, determined to confront whatever lay ahead.

"Alex, I have something to dis-"

My words trailed off as I took in the scene before me, and I couldn't help but curse my luck.

Why is he here?

Why the hell is Victor here?

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