Chocolate Bandit

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Dogday laid in the bed with his eyes closed, occasionally checking the time. He waited, and waited as he laid there.

This time, he was in the bed alone. Catnap had left him and the other critters to take care of a few important tasks, such as getting some supplies, among other things.

Because of this, he allowed Dogday to stay in his house without him. However, he had Kickin Chicken and Bubba Bubbaphant stay with him in order to supervise him.


Well, the dog had a love for chocolate, even though Catnap and the other critters don't allow him to eat it. The only exception to this would be under the rare occasion that they allow him to, although limited to one or two bars at most.

Of course, Catnap had some leftover chocolate bars in the house, and knew that Dogday would try to sneak some, if not all while he was away.

Hence why Bubba and Kickin are in the house with him, to make sure that he doesn't sneak any while he's gone.

This didn't stop Dogday, since he had a plan. He was pretending to sleep, waiting for some time to pass until he'd make his way out of his and Catnap's room, and find the chocolate.

Speaking of, it 11:30 P.M.! It's time!

The dog slowly and quietly lifted the blanket off the bed, softly placing his feet on the ground. A very small, quiet sound could barely be heard from the dog's feet meeting the ground. Perfect.

Bubba and Kickin had a seperate room and bed to sleep in, as Catnap knew the couple would probably prefer to sleep together.

Not to mention that if they were to kiss or anything of the sort, it could be rather  uncomfortable with Dogday awkwardly laying there beside them.

That, and Dogday may feel left out.

Catnap did leave behind a soft, fluffy plush for Dogday to cuddle up with in his absence. Normally, the dog would be doing just that, but he had a mission to take care of first.

He left the door open to his room, so he got on all fours and quietly crawled past the door, making his way to the kitchen.

Conveniently enough, the lights were still on! Perfect!

His eyes quickly searched around the room, looking for any potential hiding spots for the chocolate.

His eyes met the ground, and there it is! The chocolate bars! All placed down next to and on top of each other on the ground!

Perfect! He guessed that either Catnap, Kickin or Bubba may have dropped it there on accident and forgot about it.

Either way, it was the perfect opportunity for the dog! His tail began to wag, as he drooled a bit. He couldn't wait to have those chocolate bars! They were always so delicious!!

The dog stood up, running up to the chocolate bars. He reached a hand out to grab one.

Suddenly, the dog's progress was stopped when a net covered him, stopping the dog in his tracks as the net pulled itself up to the roof of the house.

The Light And The Darkness [Catnap x Dogday]Where stories live. Discover now