The Old House

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In the quiet old house at the edge of the community, where the sun peeks shyly through the pine trees, young Timmy starts his day. With the first light of dawn, he rubs the sleep from his eyes and pads across the creaky wooden floor to the outside. There, he brushes his teeth, making sure each tooth sparkles like a star in the night sky. Next, he tiptoes to the kitchen across the way, where a pot of tea sits by the window, its green leaves reaching for the morning light. Timmy takes a small sip, for he knows the refreshment is not just a plant, but a morning ritual passed down from his grandmother, a secret to starting the day with freshness.

Then, with the green leaves coolness tingling on his tongue, he puts on his foot wear on by the steps outside. The air is crisp, and the world is painted in hues of gold and pink as the sun rises higher. He whistles for the sheep, and they come, baaing softly, ready to follow him to the pasture. The grass is dew-kissed, and the sheep frolic, their woolly coats brushing against the wildplants.

Once the sheep are content, grazing under the watchful eye of the rubber tree, Timmy heads back home. The smell of breakfast wafts through the air, a warm welcome as he opens the door. On the table, there's stew fish, steaming in the bowl, and bread, freshly baked, with a crust that crackles under Timmy's eager fingers. He savors each bite, the stew fish warming him from the inside out, and the bread a cushion for the sweet jam Mama made from summer guava.

Breakfast done, it's time for school. Timmy grabs his satchel, heavy with books and dreams, and sets off. He walks through the community, greeting neighbors and friends, each step a steady rhythm, a promise of the adventures the day holds. The schoolhouse looms ahead, a place of learning and laughter, where Timmy will fill his mind with stories and numbers, with the wonders of the world that await him.

And so, in the old house, where time seems to stand still, Timmy's mornings unfold, a tapestry of simple joys and timeless rituals, woven with the threads of family, nature, and knowledge. It's a routine that shapes him, that reminds him, no matter where life takes him, of the comfort of home and the beauty of a day begun with care and love.

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