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I got a message from my phone.It's from Paris.

  “Uhh Gray?”I asked


  “I think Paris wants to help with Ava's case.”She sent me a video with the boy.”I slowed down the clip, and it was David.David stone.Same beard,nose and chin.”Should I ask her if she wants to help?She said that every night, they used FaceTime and have seen that man repeatedly.”

  “I think Paris might be a good partner since she can cover us and more.”

  Me:Paris, can you come here? It's urgent.

“So what do you want to talk about?”Paris asked.

  “You know about Ava,that my mother tries to resolve her case..”

  “Yeah..I know”

  “Do you want to help us?”Gray cut in."We are trying to resolve her case.”

  “But you can't tell anyone.”We have 5 days left.”You need to think fast.”

  “I will help you,but how are you guys friends again?”

  “We're partners,”I replied.

  “If you're gonna help us, you need to know all the things we found.”

  “Woah…It's the same man I saw.”I nodded.”The address is an abandoned hospital.”

  “It might mean something.”

  “But first, we need to know more about David,”Gray added.

  “Yeah we found his address on her phone.”

  “But her phone is with the police." Paris cut in.

  “Sorry,her other phone.”

  “We need to go today.We have 5 days left.”

We're on the bus right now heading to that address.Paris is going to pretend that she's her sister and that Ava told Paris to find David and talk about memories with him.The bus stopped.The GPS says
it's here.It's like a mansion.White with a fountain in the front of the house.Paris rang the doorbell. A woman in white came out to the gate.

  “Who are you?”

  “I'm Paris Ward,we need to talk with David.”


  “I'm Gray Ward,I'm Ava's brother.”

  “And you?”

  “I'm Ophelia Reynolds, I'm their cousin”She picked up the watch and said:

  “Sir Ava's relatives are here,they want to talk to you.”She let us in.”You're not entering.”She pointed at me.I nodded, and Gray looked at me.I tapped on his shoulder.

  “I will be fine,”I whispered.And I left.

  It has been 30 minutes since they're inside.I got a message with:

  Stop it.

  I didn't replied.I will talk with Gray about this message.

  Another 30 minutes passed by.Then I saw them coming.Gray kept looking behind and  when he got to me,  he took my hand and we ran. Paris was  in front of us.

  “Questions for later.”He answered.I ran back to the bus station and took the bus. We sat down since it was empty.

  “Why did we run?”

  “Questions for later,”Paris replied.

  We arrived home and went into my room,all of us.

“We're do we start.. I recorded the conversation..”He
played the record.

Interview II
Gray:Are you ready?
Gray:What was the relationship between you and Ava?
David:It used to be fine till she started to distance,she used to never answer my messages.One time she came drugged.She behaved violently.She started screaming and laughing,she tried to push me but it didn't work.
Gray:What did she look like?
David:She had red eyes and messy hair, and her makeup was smudged.
Paris:When did it happen?
David:On 5th april.She came to me at 10 p.m. She was my everything.
Gray:Why was she screaming
David:She said something about Clara Bell.

And then the interview stopped.

  “Why did we run?”

  “We saw…”


  “We saw Hayden.”Paris added

  “Where did you see him?”

  “In the house.”Gray answered.”I saw him, and we left in a hurry.I don't think he saw us.”

  “Wait, Clara is Becca's daughter?”Paris asked.

  “I think so..”Gray replied.I opened my laptop and
I looked for Clara.I found her Instagram and wanted to send her a message, but I stopped.

  “Fiffa are you okay?”

  “Mhm..Clara can hold so many memories.”I answered

  “We can break in her house and steal her diary.”Gray shrugged

  “What problem do you have with breaking into people's houses?

  “Clara is my ex,Ophelia, she won't talk with us.”Gray stole a candy from my plate.”Last time I saw her, she threatened me that she would kill my father and my friends, and she won't be caught.”

  “Crazy.”Paris stared at us.

  “We clearly need to interview her.”

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