36 0 0

October 30

Hannah:Can you come into the bathroom really quick?
Me:I'm in class.

“Can I go to the toilet, please?”I asked the teacher

“Sure,"He replied.

Me:I'm coming
Hannah:I need to tell you something

  I entered the bathroom.”Hannah I'm here.”I said.

  “Ophelia…”She said in a shaky voice. "I've been thinking of telling you about this sooner.About the decision i took.”

  “What are you talking about?”The bathroom was empty, but I could feel the tension between me and her.

  “I can't do this anymore.I can't live like this.”She started crying.”I know it might hurt you or leave a deep scar.But I can't do this anymore.”Next to her,it was a shard.She took it before I could think , and she cut her neck.

  “No,no,no,no…”I started panicking.I took the towel and put it on her hands.She fell to the ground.”NO!”I screamed.She was losing too much blood.A shooting and now a suicide.I started crying.She closed her eyes.My hands her full with her blood.With my best friend's blood.I lost Andrea and now Hannah.I let my phone in class.Her pulse stopped.I left the bathroom and went down the hall and shouted:Please help me.A teacher came out.
  “Are you okay,Miss?”She asked.

  “No…My friend killed herself in the bathroom. Please help me..”And I ran in the bathroom.The teachers appeared and they called an ambulance.

  They called my parents to pick me up.My father came.I ran to him and went home.I could see the face of her parents. They were disappointed that I couldn't save their daughter.I will never know why Hannah did it or what pushed her to do it.

Note:Short chapter today: Tomorrow, I will post two chapters

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