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“Ophelia, are you okay?”Hayden asked.We're going to that hospital.I nodded.The wind is fluttering his blonde hair.

  ”We have a little more,”Leia said.It's almost 9 pm. 9 pm.Should it be the killing of Ava or her release?I got more messages yesterday

  You're just like Sal
  Stop it, Ophelia
  Watch your back before I stab it.
  If you're going deep,you're gonna freeze.

  We are walking through the forest. There is a risk that we will die or disappear too.In the dark of night, the forest is shrouded in dense fog. The pale moonlight filters through the tangled branches of the trees, creating dancing shadows and vague outlines. The muffled sounds of nature add an air of mystery, and every step is accompanied by the rustle of wet leaves.

  “You know?I can't believe that you and Gray are friends,”Leia said.

  “We're not friends.”

  “Oops,Lovers sorry.”She giggled.”You know you shouldn't take it too hard on him.After Iris died he changed.He started smoking and more.Sometimes he acts like a bitch but he just wants attention.Did he tell you that he attempted and he tried again but you saved him?”My heart stopped.I couldn't breathe.

  “W-what?When?How?Why?”I asked
  “It was just a cry for help, but he's different since then.He doesn't touch sharp things.He did it with a knife when his father was at work.Taylor called him after an attention seeker.”My heart felt more hard.”His father is the best guy in the world.He said it, not me.But Taylor…ruins everything.She accused you of Gray's disappear and she-”

  “Cause it's my fault.”I took a breath.”If I had gone with them, they would be here today.Or maybe if I didn't try to resolve things that I'm not capable of.”

  “Are you kidding me?”Hayden said.”You found so many things.”My phone buzzed it was a message from an unknown number:

You're so close,Fiffa.

My heart dropped.I was staring at the message.Then another one came.

Staring won't help much.

  It's here.It sees me.It's stalking me.I typed a message.

You're too scared to show yourself.

  It started typing.Leia and Hayden were still talking.

You don't want to see me.But you would love to see them.

  It sent a photo of Gray and Paris standing on the floor with their hands tied with tape.And their faces were covered with tape.Just like the Dt killer used to do.If Dt Killer wakes up from the dead?

  What are you gonna do to them?

  My anxiety is driving me crazy. My heart is pounding, and my breathing is labored. My eyes are searching for a face in all the darkness, but I only see Hayden and Leia in front of me.

  Nothing for you,Fiffa.Just brought you some daisies to put at their grave.

  My hands were shaking, and my hands started sweating, and then suddenly I remembered Andrea and her blood on my hands.I remembered Hannah how she killed herself in the bathroom in front of me.How the blood was flowing. How I was trying to save them, and I failed every time. How my whole class was covered in blood. How the blood from Hannah's neck was flowing. How I was trying to stop it. How I was crying next to Hannah, begging her to wake up. How I tore my shirt to stop Hannah's blood. How I stood by her grave. How I disappointed Hannah's parents by letting her die.How I was trying.How I always tried but never succeeded.How on May 9th is his birthday and how he will never turn 19.How Paris won't turn 18 next month.

  What can I do to save them?
  Let me think, Fiffa.Maybe you can give up on the case or maybe kill you?Like be serious, you will never find her.
  Fine.I would give up. Just let them go.
  I prefer the second option.When 9 pm hits you will have 25 minutes to hide.Remember it's a big hospital.

  I have 6 minutes till 9pm.And we are in front of the hospital.

  “I'll go first.”I said and entered.

  “Woah it's so big,"Hayden said. In front of us, there are 2 hallways.

  “We have to break up,"I said.”You two, and I will go alone.”

  “What?”Leia said.”We're not breaking up.”

  “Yes we are.We're not a couple"I said and started walking.I have 4 minutes left.I turned around and saw they're far away.I started to run.Everywhere is full of glass and medicinal things such as injections, infusions, medicines and more.It's 9pm.I have 15 minutes left.I ran quite a lot and my legs hurt.

  Oh,I forgot to say that I'm in the east.

Thank God I'm in the West.I went into a room. The things were still there.There was broken glass on the window and blood on the floor. I tried to walk past him. I entered another room that was exactly the same. I looked at the clock, and I had 7 minutes left. How did the time pass so quickly?I ran into a few more rooms until I reached a small closet. I opened the door and went inside. The closet had another door. Which led to the operating room.In case he finds me, I will run to one of the rooms. I blocked both doors.

  The hunting starts. 

  My heart is pounding, and I feel it as if it is coming out of my chest. I am lucky that I'm wearing black today.

Oh,and I let your friends leave.

  I got a message from Leia.

  We found them.They're tired, but they're okay.Come back.We're going home.

  Thank God they found them.But I can't go back.It will find me.

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